
Is It All About Getting Spiritually High?

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Is It All About Getting Spiritually High?

Our natural human desire to get close to G-d sometimes leads us to pursue methods of religious ecstasy. Yet our human desire to be close to G-d may well be at odds with G-d’s divine desire to be close to us.
Dwelling for G-d in the Physical World, Physicality and Spirituality, Nadab and Abihu, Death of, Spirituality, Shemini

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Gabriel Mondragon March 22, 2024

Gotta be honest with you, man. I hate pot, and the thumbnail made me assume the worst. But your characters impressed me with the Freudian one related to this week's Parasha. I had so many questions (Is the sin forgetting an oath unintentionally?). Your impression of Freud was spot on. I've seen those original interviews of his. Reply

Sandra/Sarah Atl via JewishTV Android November 23, 2023

what about sin offering from Moshiah? Reply

D April 9, 2021

Lebowski IS a jewish name, after all Reply

Ruvie Bettoun Philadelphia June 3, 2020

Dude super duper cool man. Love these videos so much Reply

Anonymous April 18, 2020

I loved the music at the end. Reply

Angelica Nj March 29, 2019

Love this videos! Keep them coming!! Reply

Marcella March 29, 2019

I think these videos are amazing! Really nice way to teach and make us think about it. Reply

Ursula Ljungqvist March 29, 2019

I enjoy your videos - and yes, I share them with friends and colleagues too. This approach paves a unique way into peoples' minds and make them reflect the content of your message, which they might not have done with a "normal" presentation. Thanks for taking the time and the effort to produce these, rabbi Chighel! Reply

Anonymous Chicago March 28, 2019

Really enjoying these videos
I share with some friends as well

Ben from Chicago Reply

Anonymous Los Angeles March 28, 2019

Thank you! As always, love, love your work and creativity.
Still think the idea of a frustrated Levi wanting to sing opera may be a theme.
Would do it if I could, but as a lass, it would not be deemed kosher.
We all appreciate and look forward to (no really) the next segments.
A gala rendition of "Let my People Go" in a blues voice would also not be remiss for Pessach.
Hatzlacha and Brachos,
From an old Viennese opera singer! Reply

Anonymous Toronto March 28, 2019

Outstanding. Love the different genres that you use and the take away message. Keep it up! Reply

Nathan Riesel North Miami Beach March 27, 2019

Wow! Great.
I think Chabbad should also rethink the drunkeness at Simchas Tora, Purim and the local Shabbos shul kiddush where the lack of responsibility includes minor drinking. Reply

Chani UK March 26, 2019

Really good! It always comes back to mitzvot 😊 Todah rabah. Reply

Anonymous morristown March 23, 2019

Wow! They get better! I'm continuously amazed by your creativity, and you explain the concepts so well, even if I've heard it before, it resonates so much more now!
Keep up the amazing work!
I'm hooked to the spiritual high you give me ;) Reply