
What Do Anti-Semites Have to Offer?

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What Do Anti-Semites Have to Offer?

Anti-Semitism is a powerful, negative, thoroughly unholy phenomenon. Stripped of its negativity, however, its raw power can be used in the service of holiness.
Chukat-Balak, Balaam's Curses turn to Blessings, Antisemitism, Balak

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mendel lapine columbia mo January 13, 2025

I dont get how any of this has to do with the Rebbe's sichos on the parsha. Reply

Meira Netherlands July 22, 2019

Wow, Never realized I had a superman status! Reply

David West Orange July 18, 2019

Oy vey.. Reply

Friedrich aus Weimar Preußen July 18, 2019

Lieber Herr Rabbiner,

Du bist Mensch *und* Dynamit.

Mit Ausdrücken vorzüglichster Hochachtung für Ihr Werk und Judahism,
Friedrich Reply

Sunil Subba July 18, 2019

It;s a creative way of exploring the dynamics of hatred which is quite interesting as the basic values of privacy and modesty which occur in the mitzvahs lay the foundation of blessings. Reply

Yaakov Fresno, California July 17, 2019

Wow. Thanks. Deeply thoughtful and thought-provoking, in the best possible way. I'm just, in all honesty, in awe. Be well & G-d bless. Reply

Malka Brooklyn July 17, 2019

You really succeeded in entertaining and conveying your message...I would not have gotten it from a stuffy lecture. Reply

Lloyd A Cohen albuquerque July 17, 2019

This is a superficial understanding of Nietzsche and German anti=semitism. Wagner does not belong in discussion. Go back to why the Egyptians enslaved the Jews and Laban Reply

Michael Chighel Jerusalem July 18, 2019
in response to Lloyd A Cohen:

How Wagner very much belongs to the discussion at hand might begin with a reading of his 1869 treatise "Das Judenthum in der Musik." As for Nietzsche's relationship to Wagner, his 1889 book, "Nietzsche contra Wagner," is essential reading. But also highly pertinent to the discussion is Nietzsche's letter to his sister, Elisabeth Förster, of December 1887. Reply

Jennifer Houston, TX July 16, 2019

Very interesting! Thanks for sharing. Reply

Devon US July 15, 2019

good video Reply

Bracha Adrezin Los Angeles July 14, 2019

Bravo und danke schone! Your Nietzsche portrayal was really as one would have pictured him.
Love the "old film" look as well. Always get a good laugh w/your combination German/Latin/Hebrew intonations. Keep it com'in! Yasher Koach and Hatzlacha!
