
Parshah Mnemonics: Shemini

Decoding the hidden messages

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Parshah Mnemonics: Shemini: Decoding the hidden messages

The parshah of Shemini contains 91 verses and the mnemonic for it is the word ‘Ovadiah’. Explore the coded message in this Masoretic note and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
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Obadiah, Shemini

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Rabbi Raskin Bklyn hts NY April 5, 2016

Mnemonics for tazria Dear Jorge,
With G-d's help it will happen.
Check in on it in a few days Reply

Jorge Muñuzuri Qro. Mexico April 4, 2016

Dear Rabbi Raskin,
My question is if there will be Parshah Mnemonics: Tazria, this week?
I looked up in section Parshah Mnemonics and there is no Tazria.
For your attention thank you very much in advance. Reply

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