
Parshah Mnemonics: Chukat

Decoding the hidden messages

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Parshah Mnemonics: Chukat: Decoding the hidden messages

The parshah of Chukat contains 87 verses, and the mnemonic for it are the words Lemidva, Yemuel, and Uzi. Explore the coded message in this Masoretic note and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
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Chukat-Balak, Chukat

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Jorge Qro. Mexico June 29, 2017

I lack the words to properly express my joy for that new facility of choosing the speed at which the tape is running. Thank you, G-d for making Chabad prosper enough to pay for the new technologies. Thank you, to you all for taking into account our deficiencies as foreigners and for doing all that is in your hands, in order that we could overcome those deficiencies.
Quiera Di-s conservarlos cerca de Él como hasta ahora lo ha hecho. Reply

Anonymous June 27, 2014

Yasher Koach Rabbi Raskin The objects on the mantle piece illustrate the (all encompassing) duality mentioned. The blue ribbon coming out of the Chumesh looks like water fall and the stems in the vase reach upward like fire.

too much time on my hands? Reply

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