
Mezuzah as Protection

The Spiritual Security System

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Mezuzah as Protection: The Spiritual Security System

A mezuzah mounted on the doorpost designates a home as Jewish, but it is also a symbol of G d's watchful care over the home. How does a mezuzah protect us at home and even when we travel?
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Checking Tefillin and Mezuzahs, Mezuzah

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Elimelech NJ November 22, 2014

Thank you I listened to your beautiful talk on the "Mezuzah as Protection" last week. I sent it around to my entire family. Thank you for the inspiration. I had one question. When I mentioned the story you told about the Entebbe hostages and the Rebbe's call for their mezuzah's to be checked, I was challenged on that by my Rav. Although the story seemed familiar to me from somewhere (as if I had heard it before), he had not heard it and I could not provide any more information other than what you had told in the story. Was that story written somewhere also? I hope you don't mind me asking the question in that way.
Thank you for all your brilliant talks. They "light me up" and give me the inspiration to motivate others. Reply

Rabbi Raskin Bklyn hts May 23, 2021
in response to Elimelech:

See my book
Guardian of israel,
I bring the references there. Reply

Rabbi Raskin Bklyn hts July 27, 2013

Thank you Catherine,
That's great news may you continue to inspire others to do the same.
Wishing you a happy and healthy sweet new year. Reply

Catherine New York July 26, 2013

protection That was a very very good lesson on the powers of the Mezuzah. I will now make sure my mother has one on her door or at least in her room at the assisted living Atria in Great Neck where she is living. I know she will find peace with it.

I already have them on my doorposts but will check them every year.! Reply

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