
Why a Shofar (and Not a Violin?)

A Pre-Rosh Hashanah Lecture

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Why a Shofar (and Not a Violin?): A Pre-Rosh Hashanah Lecture

How the simple sound of the ram’s horn on Rosh Hashanah represents a Jew’s heartfelt cry to G‑d.
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Shofar, Rosh Hashanah

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Rachel Dallas, TX via JewishTV iOS September 19, 2023

Minutes 18-21 were powerful. Truly believing the insight that a Jew is a Jew and every Jew is valuable is what makes Chabad such an influential movement. Thank you Rabbi for an enjoyable shiur. Reply

Y Steinberg August 27, 2021

Awesome!!!!! Reply

Michael Paz Guatemala, Guatemala August 26, 2012

Exellent!! Reply

Anonymous bhopal, india September 28, 2011

heard of Rosh Hashanah for the first time 2 days ago .heard a Christian preacher say that God wanted everyone to turn and ensure the observance of these ten days toYom Kippur. that it was crucial. that got me searching to understand. Reply

Jessica Wichita, KS September 28, 2011

Well stated Insightful, i have a new respect for the Shofar now. Reply

Anonymous great neck, ny September 20, 2011

parsha Nitzavim simply magnificent Reply

Mr. Leonard Pena December 10, 2010

WOW, amazing teaching! This is the first time I have heard Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe teach. I was inspired! Thank G-d for Your teaching! Reply

Deba Edelman Bellevue, WA September 8, 2010

I expected such a simple answer to "Why a Shofar" What I received was such a revelation of my faith. Thank you Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe for your passion, knowledge and the power to present Rosh Hashanah not just as the head of a new year, but the beginning of a new spiritual awakening if you really want it. L'shanah tova um'tukah, full of joy, fulfillment and peace. Reply

Richard Raff September 7, 2010

Why a Shofar (and Not a Violin?) Incredible speaker this Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe and that is the dotted line. i have been listening to just his audio classes for over two years now and they just get better every time. i have been taught when i was young not to cry, but now i really can cry to G-d. i think the reason that stained glasses work is broken is that, it cry's out to everyone in the Shul on the reflection of our lives. It shouldn't be wrong to brake down to cry out for G-d forgiveness and love. For this begins the healing process for all around better relationships and stronger service. Reply

Odelia Shmuelov Or Yehuda, Israel September 7, 2010

Absolutely love it... You are most defenitely one of the most passionate, purest, and simplest Rabbi I have heard in a long time. It's quite refreshing. Thank you for being so forthright, and to the point, and speaking straight into my soul. Shana Tova and you are inscribed in the Book of life for sure! Reply

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