
Parshah Mnemonics: Ki Tavo & Elul 18

Decoding the hidden messages

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Parshah Mnemonics: Ki Tavo & Elul 18: Decoding the hidden messages

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Elul 18, Ki Tavo

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Ra'anan Elozory Jerusalem September 19, 2019

"Assyria" is spelled with an alef, "riches" is spelled with an 'ayin. So how can you say that the 10 Tribes went to Assyria because of wealth? Reply

Ilan Smolarski Israel September 5, 2023
in response to Ra'anan Elozory:

There is a Gematria that equates phonetic similarities as interchangeable. This letter substitution is performed with many other letters like for example Vav and Vet etc, Reply

Ra'anan Jerusalem September 20, 2023
in response to Ilan Smolarski:

You understand that wow & veth are NOT similar, but have been distorted because when certain Jews left the Middle East they settled amongst nations that lacked the ability to pronounce Middle Eastern letters. Rav Sa'adiya Gaon said that Hebrew has all the same letters as ARABIC (except one). That is where, for example, the word "Yid" came from. "Yid" is really "Yehudi," but "h" is nonexistent in Polish & Russian. The same is true of the family name "Caan" (Cohen) or "Kogan" (Cohen because Russians replace "h" with "g" OR delete the "h"). Nor are quf & kaf pronounced similarly, except through distortions from immigrations to the Ashkenazi lands. Same is true for khaf & cheith. Reply

Teresa Chopot Hilo September 9, 2017

This was awesome... thanks from Hawaii! Reply

Rabbi Raskin Bklyn hts August 24, 2023
in response to Teresa Chopot:

Thank you for watching.
Pls share Reply

Leah September 21, 2016

thank you! L'Shana Tova Tikasevu v'sechasemu! Reply

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