
Do the Jews Deserve the Land of Israel?

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Do the Jews Deserve the Land of Israel?

The Land of Israel is Heaven’s perfectly suitable gift suited for the Jewish people. By the same token, it is beyond what the Jews can ever deserve.
Pinchas, Matot-Massei, Massei, Division of Israel, Israel

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M. Hecht July 23, 2024

This is not this this week's Parsha. For this week's Parsha: Chabad.org/4691662. Reply

Tikvah Duesters Richland Center August 2, 2022

I am so glad you're back doing video's we have missed them Rabbi Reply

Jonathan NJ July 27, 2022

That was beautiful, funny, educational and very well done. Yasher koach! Reply

Emily Who asked you May 31, 2022

Amazing very well done Reply

Vismay Christian Amsterdam July 15, 2020

This one is really Funny Rabbi - Michael.
Forget deserving, preserving :-) Thank you for your time and making these. Reply

David Harold Chester Petach Tikva, Israe; July 28, 2022
in response to Vismay Christian:

It is not funny and this gift has the feature of being in a place where we as a peiople and others too, suffer more warfare and loss of life in battle or in ignorance than anywhere else (with the possible exception of the Holocaust).

Question: if the land is a gift why has it become so expensive when one wants to purchase a home in a block of flats here, and to acquire the small portion of the land on which it has been built? As a gift we should be able to get it for free, but some agency which has no moral right, has decided that through legal means it can sell it expensively to builders and they to property owners at enormous sums, giving them the gift of unearned income? Reply

Andrew Pimentel July 13, 2020

keep the parsha perks coming please!! Thank you so much! Reply

Natalie Meyerhoff California July 13, 2020

I love these videos, so helpful, so insightful, so simple to understand, yet profound. God bless. Reply

Hassan Kayssi Mississauga February 8, 2020

Best explanation ever, thank you Reply

Sheina London August 29, 2019

Missing the parsha perks. Is there none for Devarim? They were really great! Reply

Chana H. August 14, 2019

Why did the parsha perks stop? Reply

Chaim Yankel yehupitzville August 4, 2019

nu, why does this not come out every week? Reply

PeterJohn Atlanta GA August 2, 2019

While not Jewish, I found your video immensely rewarding. The intellectual and spiritual nature of Hebrew thought represents the pinnacle of human knowledge and understanding. Thank you. Reply

Chana Givat Zeev August 2, 2019

Well done.
Great Israeli accent too! Reply

Jacquelyn Contreras Portland July 28, 2019

Oh, MC, Bravo. Amazing concepts. Who can tell all His praises? Reply

Andrew Pimentel Lynn July 28, 2019

Modeh ani Reply

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