
Who Can Speak for G-d?

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Who Can Speak for G-d?

As Author of the Torah, as well as Author of the universe, G-d has the ultimate Authority on all matters great and small. And yet does this mean that human beings can never speak with authority? Are we just silent pawns in a divine chess game?
Sanhedrin, Rabbi, Yitro

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Sw annonamous February 13, 2020

Wow! Beautiful. I love these videos. They are explained so nicely and really give a peek into the Parsha! Reply

Anonymous UK April 1, 2019

this is FAB!! Love it Reply

Anonymous January 26, 2019

Dear Rabbi Chighel, I'm always excited to discover a video in your unique style. Entertaining and yet there's so much to learn! Thanks for this dvar Torah and this week's sedra. Hope you'll get more positive feedback. Please do keep up the good work, looking forward to showing your videos to my children some day, iyH. Reply

David Miami January 21, 2019

You are a great instructor and thank you! Also thank you to the Rebbe and all Chabad Reply

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