
The Ethics of Sinai

Learning Pirkei Avot on Five Levels

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The Ethics of Sinai : Learning Pirkei Avot on Five Levels

Ethics of Our Fathers begins by stating that Torah was received by Moses at Sinai and was passed down to the subsequent generations. The Mishnah specifies five generations in particular, why?
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Torah, Ethics of the Fathers

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Leah April 30, 2017

Excellent. Thank you. Enjoyed. Appropriate - learning this on Hod shel Tiferes. Reply

Rabbi Raskin Bklyn hts May 16, 2016

Dear Jorge,
We need to be bold to state an opinion.
But humble enough to step down,
when our rabbinical
Colleagues out rule us.
May you continue to be proud and strong. Reply

Jorge Qro. Mexico May 13, 2016

Sometimes a feel afraid of making comments, but this time I have to be like a mountain -bold! Not too bold because that would be arrogant. This is more easily said than done.
I cannot dare to say to myself -"I have no right to study Torah", I have to program myself for not to be intimidated by those ideas.
It's very interesting to learn that of the Rabbi who said -"I'm right in my own opinion" and to prove it, he said... -I'm right that the stream would change its course. And the stream changed its course. I'm right that I heard a heavenly voice coming along saying I'm right.
And his colleagues don't agree with him. Why? Torah is not in heaven; Torah must be comprehended down here in this world. Reply

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