
The Physics of the Ten Plagues

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The Physics of the Ten Plagues

In the Haggadah, our Sages debate the precise number of plagues visited upon the Egyptians in Egypt and at the crossing of the Red Sea. The spiritual relevance of their respective views provides guidance and inspiration for our own personal exodus.
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Passover, Haggadah, Ten Plagues

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Cynthia Los Angeles August 18, 2020

Such a beautiful lesson, I learned today on ego, and how to do away with a negative ego. Thank you so much Rabbi. I will share this lesson with everyone. This is step 1 to freedom. thank you again. I love Chabad because I learn each time I come here. Reply

roberta keats boca raton florida March 23, 2013

the psychology of the plagues This was a very interesting discussion. I would add that the external behavior is a direct reflection of the other two levels, that they are all connected. If work is not done on the psychological and spiritual level,then any outward change is both tempoary and fragile at best, not a solid transfomation, not true Teshuvah. True Teshuvah only happens when a person feels their cometz at the deepest level. I have been a psychotherapist for 40 years and this is my experience with hundreds of people. I enjoy ed the lecture very much. Thank you. Reply

Meira League City April 14, 2011

Upon contemplate on meaning of eliminating Chometz I followed you through the class and found it to be very practical. The hierarchy you build between layers of our psyche and type of elimination of Chometz that sages determined for us is very profound and may be beautiful reconciled with modern psychology. The question aroused when you told that sale of chometz is the final step and there is nothing higher than that. It might be true from G-d’s perspective, but who is immune from strong temptation of stealing back something precious ( our habits, addictions etc. included) that had been sold?
In this case I think that this hierarchy of all types of elimination or crashing our ego is pretty relevant. It is different case by case, and we may get directions from Him (you can call it epiphany) what type of cleansing we have to focus on in particular time and particular place. Statistic would not help here; it’s Tanya that can help but with good portion of our own SECHAL. (not sure of correct spelling) Reply

This class analyzes an aspect of the weekly Torah portion or upcoming holiday. While providing a basic understanding of the subject matter, the lesson delves into its deeper and more complex dimensions with emphasis on the spiritual relevance to our daily lives. Inspiration for both the novice and advanced student.
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