
All Jews Have a Place in the World to Come

Learning Pirkei Avot on Five Levels

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All Jews Have a Place in the World to Come: Learning Pirkei Avot on Five Levels

The prevalent custom is to study a chapter of Ethics of Our Fathers each week starting the Shabbat after Passover. Prior to studying each chapter, we add the introductory teaching of ‘Kol Yisrael’ (All Jews). Learn why this is inserted as a preface to Pirkei Avos.
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World To Come, Ethics of the Fathers

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Rabbi Raskin Bklyn hts July 30, 2015

Dear Munuzuri,

Thank you for watching, if you liked this video
Perhaps you should also watch beloved are Jews in this series.
However the main thing is the deed! Reply

Rabbi Raskin Bklyn hts ny July 30, 2015

Cremation A Persons body belongs to G-d and its on loan to us. We are responsible to give it back to him in best shape possible.
If one is cremated it's a very sad thing (in addition to it being Biblically prohibited).
But every Jew, even those cremated have a place in the world to come! Reply

Anonymous Montreal, QC July 29, 2015

Afterlife Would it be considered impossible to have a place in the world to come if we as Jews were to choose to be cremated? Reply

Muñuzuri Qro. Mexico July 29, 2015

I liked this talk very much, as a foreigner to the English language I appreciate quite a lot the pronunciation of Rabbi Raskin; beyond all this, the talk encouraged my hope in having a place in the world to come. Reply

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