
"This is the Bread of Our Affliction"

Freedom in Auschwitz?!

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"This is the Bread of Our Affliction": Freedom in Auschwitz?!

This class raises a number of disturbing difficulties with the opening paragraph of the Haggadah. The astounding answers provide new insight into the meaning of freedom and a new appreciation of Passover.
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Seder, Passover, Haggadah

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sara nechama new boca raton, florida June 13, 2012

this is the bread of our affliction thats my uncle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reply

nathan cairo, egypt May 2, 2011

shalom What is Haggadah? Reply

Mrs. Ros Machin Tamarac, FL April 15, 2011

This is the Bread of Our Affliction Rabbi, I turn on my computer looking for Jewish Food Recipes and it happens to open the Chabad site and I heard your statements about Passover. We were exiled in our country Cuba because of the oppression there. My ancestors were Russian-Jewish. They were exiled to Cuba and your words really touched me. Thank You!!! Reply

David Trakhtman, Melbourne, Australia April 14, 2011

Moshe New on the Hagadah What an emotionally charged and down to Earth lecture!
Rabbi New, Kol Hakovod! Reply

Ligia Batista São Paulo, SP/ Brazil April 1, 2011

The bread of our afliction Chabad classes always bring deep understanding of God's path. Seems to me that in every generaton people must experience a kind of Exodus. God does many things before His Words for us to hear. Those things we must remembert to never forget........I wonder why all fruits of the tree of kowledge were on the ground..........It was only an illusion, and I find similarity looking today to Christmas trees, if there should be this kind of tree in the Garden of Eden...........beautiful but not useful.
Thank God for the Jewish people. Reply

Mr. Richard Raff March 30, 2011

Commentaries on the Torah All i know is that this world i live in, is not my world. G-d Created this world for a reason and i need to try to follow His Words to the best of my ability. i am a Jew because i follow not for me, but for all that He has done for His Creation. When G-d connects with you this means to Follow His Commandments. i am just thankful i got to experience life and what it is to live a temporary life. G-d did make a kind world and that is what i believe in, good times and in bad times. After that i am hungry as well so lets set the table, i need to feed the animal soul before it starts crying. Reply

Mr. john smith March 30, 2011

very nice it is making so much more sense now. thank you Reply

Masha Pierson Montreal, Canada March 30, 2011

Rabbi New - Pesach Online Lecture. Inspiring as usual... It gets clearer and clearer every year. Reply

This class analyzes an aspect of the weekly Torah portion or upcoming holiday. While providing a basic understanding of the subject matter, the lesson delves into its deeper and more complex dimensions with emphasis on the spiritual relevance to our daily lives. Inspiration for both the novice and advanced student.
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