
G-d Wants Us to Be Meritorious

Why we need so many mitzvahs

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G-d Wants Us to Be Meritorious: Why we need so many mitzvahs

Rabbi Chananya ben Akashya said: “The Holy One, blessed be He, wished to make the people of Israel meritorious; therefore He gave them Torah and mitzvot in abundant measure, as it is written: ‘The L rd desired, for the sake of his [Israel’s] righteousness, to make the Torah great and glorious.’”
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Ethics of the Fathers

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Chana May 14, 2023

Is this based on a sicha of the rebbe? If yes where can I find it? Reply

Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin Bklyn hts NY August 30, 2015

Dear Robert,שי׳

Yes that's one way to explain it.
It's important to note in Hebrew each synonym has
It's unique interpretation.
For example Chafetz is a deeper desire (or pleasure)
Than Ratzon.
Wishing you a happy and healthy sweet new year. Reply

robert Yerushalayim August 26, 2015

chafetz and ratzon are different forms of the verb for desire, yes Rabbi? Transitive and reflexive. Reply

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