
Washing the Hands

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Washing the Hands

How to perform the ritual hand washing before eating bread.
Shabbat, Netilat Yadayim

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William Wolff Philadelphia, PA October 29, 2019

Very difficult to hear what is being said. The music should be quieter and the voice louder. It would be nice if this was closed captioned for the hearing impaired. Reply

Rochel Chein for chabad.org July 14, 2015

The same vessel can be used for weekdays, Shabbat and holidays. If the vessel might have come in contact with food, as often happens when it is used in the kitchen sink, it is best to replace it for Passover. Reply

Barbara July 12, 2015

Is it acceptable to use the same vessel to wash hands for Shabbat,daily use and pesach? Reply

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