
Moshiach-times, Part 2: Seeing with New Eyes

11 Nissan, 5745 · April 2, 1985

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Moshiach-times: Seeing with New Eyes: 11 Nissan, 5745 · April 2, 1985

Maimonides concludes his code of Jewish law, the Mishneh Torah: “In the Era of Moshiach… there will be no occupation in the whole world except to know G-d alone. Therefore, the Jews will be great sages, knowing the hidden matters and grasping their Creator to the full extent possible for man – as it is written, ‘For the knowledge of G-d will fill the earth as water covers the sea.’”
Mishneh Torah (Rambam), Knowledge of G-d, Moshiach and the Future Redemption, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Moshiach-times, Part 2: Seeing with New Eyes
11 Nissan, 5745 · April 2, 1985
Disc 74, Program 294

Event Date: 11 Nissan 5745 - April 02, 1985

Maimonides concludes his code of Jewish law, the Mishneh Torah:

“In the Era of Moshiach… there will be no occupation in the whole world except to know G-d alone. Therefore, the Jews will be great sages, knowing the hidden matters and grasping their Creator to the full extent possible for man – as it is written, ‘For the knowledge of G-d will fill the earth as water covers the sea.’”

When you look out at the ocean, you see only water. Even though you know that beneath the surface there is a vast ocean bed and myriads of creatures, you see nothing but water. So too, a person looking out at the world in the Era of Moshiach – what will he see? Only the ‘water’ that covers everything – the knowledge of G-d.

But ultimately, there is an even higher consciousness: To know that all creation is merely an extension of G-d’s One True existence. With this awareness, when one looks out at the world, he doesn’t merely see the knowledge of G-d covering the earth — he sees only G-d Himself!

Living Torah

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1 Comment
Elliott Solomon Brooklyn, NYUSA May 2, 2010

The Rebbi I was very happy too read what the Rebbi said translated into English.
Some years ago I used the transistors by the Farbrengen to hear Rabbi Hecht, may he rest in peace in Gan Eden. Reply

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