
Lag B’omer Coins

Lag B’omer, 5750 · May 13, 1990

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Lag B’omer Coins: Lag B’omer, 5750 · May 13, 1990

At the conclusion of the 1990 Lag B’omer Parade, the Rebbe gives out specially minted coins engraved with the verse, “How good and how pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in peace.”
Lubavitcher Rebbe
Lag B’omer Coins
Lag B’omer, 5750 · May 13, 1990
Disc 74, Program 294

Event Date: 18 Iyar 5750 - May 13, 1990
Living Torah

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Eliezer Zalmanov for Chabad.org June 7, 2016

Re: Information about these coins. They were made at a local mint in the New York area. A total of 11,000 coins were minted, with an additional one made of gold, for the Rebbe, and 41 silvers ones, in honor of the Rebbe's 41 years of leadership. Reply

Schneur Bear Florida June 2, 2016

Information about these coins. Looking for additional information about the coins. Does anyone know where they where minted i.e. what mint and how many where made?

Designed and engraved especially for the Lag B'Omer Parade 5750, the coin depicts the traditional Lag B’omer bonfire on one side and 770 Eastern Parkway on the other.

On 13 Iyar 5750 (1990), five days prior to Lag B'omer, the Rebbe turned to his secretary Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky and told him that at the upcoming Lag B’omer Parade, Sunday, he would like distribute special coins to the children, minted specially for Lag B’omer.

Upon investigating the possibilities of minting a coin—a unprecedented project of the Rebbe’s office - it became apparent that minting a coin is a long process which would normally take at least two months. After an exhaustive search, two mints agreed to try to produce the coin in less time but not deliverable in time for Sunday.

Rabbi Krinsky reported all of the above to the Rebbe. The Rebbe responded that the project should be dropped, adding that: וכשם שמקבל שכר על החוק"ד כך כו'—“Just like you will receive reward for investigating the matter, so too etc.” The Rebbe added that he was sorry “that I didn’t suggest this earlier.”

Unsettled by the Rebbe’s obvious distress, Rabbi Krinsky urged his assistants, Rabbis Dovid Krinsky and Yosef B. Friedman, to do whatever they can in order to get the job done and on time.

They got to work and immersed themselves in learning the intricacies of minting a coin, creating artwork needed for the casting and engraving, and finding a mint that would not work on Shabbos yet strike the necessary quantity of coins, and deliver it all to 770 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, no later than Lag B’omer, Sunday morning.

On Friday, Rabbi Krinsky notified the Rebbe that the coins will be ready and delivered early on Lag B’omer morning, hours before the parade. The Rebbe responded with obvious satisfaction and answered: ותנוח דעתך בעניניו כמו שעשה לי בהנ"ל—“May you have peace of mind in your endeavors the same way you provided me [peace of mind] with the above.”

The coins were distributed at the parade. Reply

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