
The Final Curtain

What is the ultimate objective of our destiny?

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The Final Curtain: What is the ultimate objective of our destiny?

Once the Messianic Era begins — world peace, universal enlightenment, an end to suffering and eternal life — one would assume that having accomplished his mission the Moshiach's central role would no longer be required. Yet this is not the case, to the contrary! In clarifying this mystery, this class will present an overview of G-d's objective in creation as revealed by the Sages over the millennia and how our understanding of His purpose undergoes an evolving ever-deepening appreciation, layer beneath layer, until the final curtain on G-d's very Essence is drawn. (This class is in honor of the Rebbe's 20th Yahrtzeit anniversary)
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Gimmel Tammuz, Dwelling for G-d in the Physical World, Chukat, Moshiach and the Future Redemption, Creation, Purpose of

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Mike Etinger June 23, 2018

I think rather there is one core spirit, not bound by place or time, that can enter from within into billions of souls making us know the oneness of spiritual Holiness. We all can know, privately what every body else knows, who does know. Reply

Moishe New Hampstead December 29, 2014

Thank you Dvora. Reply

Dvora Fairfield Jax, FL June 24, 2018
in response to Moishe New:

You're welcome, Moishe. But I think I meant that more as a question than a statement. We are fractals of the Divine, yes? Reply

Dvora Fairfield December 29, 2014

The One Soul It is holographic. The whole is in every "piece"!! Reply

Chavah Kwiatkowska Latvia June 29, 2014

Rabbi Moshe, thank you for this exciting class! I like your clarity of thought! Reply

Anonymous usam June 27, 2014

The Final Curtain Just as it is a mitzvah to direct someone onto the path where he belongs, so too it is a crime to direct someone onto a path that does not belong to him.

Each person is born with a path particular to his or her soul, generally according to the culture into which he or she was born.

There are universal truths, the inheritance of all of us since Adam and Noah. In them we are all united. But we are not meant to all be the same.

Our differences are as valuable to our Creator as our similarities

The Rebbe Reply

Anonymous Brooklyn, NY June 26, 2014

What about Non Jews Rabbi New, how do non Jews fit into this final messianic picture? Are they also part of the one soul? Reply

Michele Francis usa June 25, 2014

The Final Curtain A very prophetic and insightful word for today. It was spoken with "Hope" and "Direction" for the future. In Unity We Embrace "Sonship" A Family On A Mission....Thank you Rabbi Moishe. Reply

This class analyzes an aspect of the weekly Torah portion or upcoming holiday. While providing a basic understanding of the subject matter, the lesson delves into its deeper and more complex dimensions with emphasis on the spiritual relevance to our daily lives. Inspiration for both the novice and advanced student.