
I Am G-d Your Healer

The month of Iyar

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I Am G-d Your Healer: The month of Iyar

The Kabbalah reveals that in the month of Iyar, G-d’s healing powers are uniquely manifest. This class will explore the nature of this extraordinary period and how to access this divine blessing. (Based on Likkutei Sichos, vol. 32, and other sources.)
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אייר, Health, Illness and Healing, Iyar

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YY April 25, 2021

Rabbi New,
Thanks as always for a moving, informative, and perspective-expanding shiur. I am wondering if where exactly the source that you quoted from the Shelah is located in his sefer. Thanks again! Reply

Vivienne May 13, 2018

B'H Thanks for the insights its always a delightful, educational experience, listening to your lectures. Reply

Capt GJ Singh Bangalore, India May 28, 2014

More Lectures An extraordinary lecture, I have ever heard on healing ! Otherwise, my comments are same as Ruth from Jerusalem....

I am interested to know if you have lectures on the following by the same speaker:
- a series of 12 lectures, each covering a month, starting with Nissan.
- The Omer


Ruth Jerusalem May 23, 2014

More lectures Thank you for this excellent learning instruction. I am interested to know if you have lectures on the following by the same speaker:
- a series of 12 lectures, each covering a month, starting with Nissan.
- The Omer Reply

Patricia via chabadpasadena.com May 22, 2014

Bigger than preferance And where is G-d? Anywhere you allow Him in. Reply

Andrew Brisbane, Australia May 19, 2014

healing As a man who has been smashed to bits with many broken bones and suffered many internal injuries, being labelled paraplegic and later quadriplegic, I must thank God for the healing hands He has anointed upon the medical people and the knowledge He has imparted of His creation. I know that the faith He has given me is enough to get through this world. I was damaged when I was rebellious, I did not want anything to do with God. Today, I praise Him and thank Him for the life He has appointed to me. I am willing to do all that He asks of me. I am a believer, and yes, I walk and have a good quality of life. I am blessed to be alive and enjoy sharing His truth and words as often as I can. God bless you Reply

Yitzchak Chaim May 1, 2014

Awesome lecture! The first part made me think of the abundance of drugs provided by modern medicine. It makes sense to me to see how man made healing often creates problems that leave patients worse off than they were before. Natural remedies that were present in ancient times as the Rabbi alludes to are very rare and expensive in today's market. I know many people who could use Divine Healing. I pray that it comes to them in this Divine month.
The conclusion of the lecture was so thought provoking. I never had given such thought as to the dual yud abbreviation for Hashem. Thank you R' Moishe. Reply

Anonymous April 29, 2014

Thank you for being so sharing. ugh. one more day almost two. It's so tough to have these lectures announced and then you have to wait for it. I'm very much looking forward to it. Chabad is such a blessing! Reply

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