
Be My Brother

The Tzadik and the Baal Teshuvah

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Be My Brother: The Tzadik and the Baal Teshuvah

In interpreting the verse in the Song of Songs, "If only you would be to me a brother", our Sages differ as to whether our request of G-d is to treat us as Yosef treated his brothers who had sold him or as Yosef treated his innocent younger brother Binyamin. This class will reconcile the two views and in so doing will address the contrasting virtues of the righteous (tzadik) and the penitent (baal teshuvah) and where they ultimately converge. (Based on the maamar "Kedoshim Tiheyu" Sefer Mamorim Toras Menachem vol. 3 p. 249)
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Acharei-Kedoshim, It'kafia & It'hapcha (Conquest vs Transformation), Tzaddik, Kedoshim, Baal Teshuvah, Joseph

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This class analyzes an aspect of the weekly Torah portion or upcoming holiday. While providing a basic understanding of the subject matter, the lesson delves into its deeper and more complex dimensions with emphasis on the spiritual relevance to our daily lives. Inspiration for both the novice and advanced student.