Maimonides - Not for Scholars Only
Maimonides - Not for Scholars OnlyAll Jews should unite through Torah, by studying the same subject in Torah at the same time.
Since Torah's practical laws are relevant and comprehensible by Jews of all backgrounds, we
suggested a cycle of daily study of Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah.
Maimonides - Not for Scholars Only
Disc 57, Program 228
Event Date: 12 Sivan 5744 - June 12, 1984
All Jews should unite through Torah, by studying the same subject in Torah at the same time. Since Torah's practical laws are relevant and comprehensible by Jews of all backgrounds, we suggested a cycle of daily study of Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah. An objection was raised: The Alter Rebbe states that one cannot fulfill his obligation to know Torah law without understanding its underlying logic. Why then are we urging people to study concise laws without their reasons? There are two different focuses within Torah study, both of which are obligations: One — to know the clear-cut laws, and two — to study and understand their reasoning. The Alter Rebbe's concern was for someone who attempts to clarify a ruling on his own by comparing one law to another. For that, one needs to know each law's underlying reasoning. But if one studies in order to familiarize himself with laws that have already been clarified, there is no concern. In fact, Maimonides writes that this is one of Mishneh Torah’s most important features. |
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