
Concluding Pesukei d’Zimra

Discussions on Prayer, Lesson 26

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Concluding Pesukei d’Zimra: Discussions on Prayer, Lesson 26

The prayer of Yishtabach is the concluding blessing of the section of Pesukei D’Zimrah (verses of praise). Learn the significance of the 13 or 15 expressions of praise recited in this blessing.
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Anonymous January 23, 2020

Dear Rabbi, thank you very much. I can speak the Psukei d'Zimra in the mornings and something is different now. It feels as if my (inner) voice could raise much higher than it could before. Really really thank you very much and thanks H'

I have a question watching this: when we say: "שמך לעד מלכנו" does refer with the letters "ש,ל,מ" to the name of Shlomo hamelech, how can we read the text then? Does this point to the coming of Moshiach, who will be a descendent of David and therefore, probably Shlomo as well? As a king who will bring us closer to Gd.? And we even, as you mentioned, find the name of Avraham avenu, so then we have the whole linage. Reply

Anonymous Brooklyn June 2, 2015

Thank you! I've been davening for 44 years yet gained so much fresh appreciation from this class. Reply

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