
Why Jews Pray Three Times a Day

Discover two perspectives on the objective of prayer

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Why Jews Pray Three Times a Day: Discover two perspectives on the objective of prayer

Jewish people have three daily prayer services. The first is Shacharit (the morning prayer), then Minchah (the afternoon prayer), and finally Maariv (the evening prayer.) But from another perspective, one can argue that since the Jewish day begins at sundown, the first prayer is really the evening prayer. Does it make a difference if we view the order of the prayers as morning/afternoon/evening or as evening/morning/afternoon?
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Maariv, Vayeitzei, Prayer, Three Daily Prayers

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Marc Mukuna Pretoria February 6, 2018

Thanks a lot dear Rabbi, may Hashem always be with you ! Reply

Cynthia Guidry Louisiana April 11, 2017

Rabbi, I am a Catholic Christian and was in awe of your in depth explanation of several very important truths of our faith. So beautiful. Reply

Rabbi Moishe New April 24, 2017
in response to Cynthia Guidry:

You're welcome Reply

David Cohen Oregon January 27, 2017

Thank you for this blessing of better understanding and may HaShem bless you Rabbi. Reply

William Barrocas India August 11, 2016

Respected Rabbi! Your Teachings are a delight and they are so fulfilling.I pray HaShem bless you and your Team every time you teach us these holy knowables. Reply

Steve Miller November 19, 2015

Prayer I can only pray 2x a day..Kind of hard to stop working and start doing the Mincha in the middle of the office. But, I do morning prayers/evening both with shema and Amidah, Hopefully Hashem knows I'm doing the best that I can :) Thank you rabbi Reply

Victoria Lynne Heim Colorado July 30, 2013

Prayer Thank you for sharing. Prayer is so important for us. Reply

Anonymous Ghana January 3, 2013

Rabbi Thanks Thank you Rabbi may HaShem bless you and continue teach us more. Reply

Joel Azriel BenAvraham Brighton, UK December 27, 2012

Shma not a prayer Thank you Rabbi, a very interesting shiur.

However, although my own Rabbi teaches that the Shma is NOT a prayer, his definition is different. He says that the Shma, rather than a declaration of faith, is a period of Torah study. As you know, we ARE commanded to study Torah, whereas we are not commanded to pray. THIS, he teaches us, is the reason the second line of the Shma is written smaller, and spoken in an undertone. To remind us that this second line is NOT quoting Torah, but is the word of Man.

Surely, the prayer we pray AFTER the Shma, "All this is true and held firmly by us..." is our declaration of faith? Reply

K. Khan December 26, 2012

Thanks for explaining this subject in detail. May HaShem Bless you and Team Chabad for explaining this subject in detail. Reply

Anonymous December 19, 2012

Parsha Vayeitzei its so much clear to me now... Reply

Katrin P. Germany November 22, 2012

Thank you so much for being so sharing. You're such a blessing! Reply

Katrin P. Germany November 19, 2012

I can't wait for it! Reply

Marc Mukuna Pretoria February 6, 2018
in response to Katrin P.:

Add a comment. Thanks a lot Rabbi for the clear explanation about this, may Hashem bless you abundantly. Reply

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