
He Created All with Wisdom

Discussions on Prayer, Lesson 29

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He Created All with Wisdom: Discussions on Prayer, Lesson 29

In this lesson we continue in the first blessing of the Shema and cover the first paragraph, which begins with the words ‘Hameir LaAretz. We examine the multifaceted nature of creation that emanates from G-d’s attributes, whilst He himself transcends it all.
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Prayer Book, Prayer, Blessings of the Shema

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Shira January 25, 2016

Thank you for this wonderful series. These concepts are in my mind now as I daven
I would like to understand the concept of facing west once in the courtyard temple. All our synagogues face east. at least in USA. An analogy mentioned the sun bowing.
Is that an acknowledgement of that which is not revealed.
If we were in the temple why would we face West?

Thank you Reply

Rabbi Kaplan Baltimore July 6, 2015

Thank you for your comments. We still have a long way to go to finish the morning prayers so I have not given any thought to Mincha or Maariv.

The proper place to insert a private prayer is in the blessing of Shma Kolaynu (Hear our voices) in the Shmone Esrei.
RSK Reply

Anonymous Peoria Arizona July 5, 2015

Thank You! Dear Rabbi Kaplan,
I find it difficult to believe that we have already had twenty-nine lessons of Discussions on Prayer! B”H!
Each week I look forward to them. Thank you! You have done an excellent job in opening up the spiritual and practical meanings on each page of our Siddur and showing us how Awesome HaKadosh Baruch Hu is!
A question we have is if there is a family member or friend who has a specific need, where do we mention their name in the daily prayers? We have been inserting them in the specific place in the Shemoneh Esrei since the prayers you have gone over so far seem more general and praising than specific regarding personal needs.
We hope you are planning to continue and do lessons on the Evening Prayers also. We look forward to that!


Anonymous July 1, 2015

Thank you Now you have my attention B'H' Reply

We spend much time each day reciting the words of the siddur. Join us to enhance your prayers and become more proficient in understanding and mastering the prayer liturgy. This comprehensive series on Tefillah explores the special meaning embedded in the text of our prayers—elucidating, step by step, the words, structure, and progression of the siddur.
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