Text-based study enhances Torah study skills

Developed specifically for online, in-depth learning

Taught by scholars with a personal interest in the subject

Engaging topics made relevant to real life issues
About the Course
We forge many relationships throughout the course of our lives, but only one is featured in the ten commandments: The mitzvah to honor one’s parents. From the moment we’re born to the day that we die, there is no bond that is closer, deeper, or more complex than the parent-child relationship. In this course we will explore the Torah’s perspective on that bond, and the obligations that come along with it.
Course syllabus
Level: Intermediate
Length/Effort:4 weeks / 45 min. per week
Category: Halacha/Jewish Law
Institution: Chabad.org/Tri-Valley Chabad

Meet the Instructor
Rabbi Raleigh Resnick, a popular teacher on Chabad.org, directs Chabad of the Tri Valley in the San Francisco Bay Area and is dean of The Cheder of the Bay Area.