
The Shema Prayer

Discussions on Prayer, Lesson 35

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The Shema Prayer: Discussions on Prayer, Lesson 35

The central prayer of Shema Yisrael (Hear O Israel . . . G-d Is One) begins with the essential statement of Jewish faith, wherein we proclaim our absolute belief in one unified G-d. Discover profound insight into how the Shema stands at the epicenter of our existence and ultimately encapsulates our historic experience at Sinai.
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Prayer Book, Prayer, Shema

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Gideon Zilberman Monroeville, PA February 21, 2022

Toda Raba. Mysterious and fascinating. Always wanted to understand the Prayers. Learnt only the Bible. No Tffillot. The 'ע' and 'ד' are in Hebrew also - "Until". Any relevance to the Teffila? Reply

Anonymous NYC May 15, 2018

Correct I thought Rabbi Akiva started learning at age 40. He studied for 12 years and then taught for another 12 years. After 24 years in yeshiva he returned with 24,000 students (he gave his wife the crown...).
Could it be that the 40 years of learning, 40 years of teaching was a different tana? Reply

Dylan Simon Usa July 24, 2016

I started reciting the Shema for a few days already, but it's been hard to get inspired. It just seemed like words. After hearing this, I feel the power behind the Shema. Thank you. Reply

Anonymous England May 12, 2016

Thanks a lot sir, for your explanation because I heard the what I can call Angels singing oh Shema Oh Shema so I woke up and i try to know the meaning of this word. Which I have never heard before. God bless you. Reply

David Iowa September 22, 2015

Todah Rabah Thank you, Rabbi, for this excellent teaching... Reply

Anonymous TX September 17, 2015

HaShem Bless you Rabbi, more Truth in these Days. Reply

Rabbi Kaplan Maryland August 28, 2015

Thank you all for your comments. Because there is a prohibition of taking the name of G-d in vain it is common custom not to pronounce these words accurately when not during prayer. Reply

yitzhak gordon pawling ny August 23, 2015

When i went to Yeshiva Yesodeh Hatorah, on Eastern Parkway, many years ago, i learned the Shema and the words used were "adonoy ayluhaynu" and not "hashem eluhkaynu," as you said them. am i remembering correctly?, Reply

Anonymous August 23, 2015

Thank you for this and all the prayer classes. Very informative. Reply

sophia diamon kuzminski michigan August 14, 2015

Yes I agree,Rabbi is doing an outstanding job, thank you for teaching me everything you are saying is the truth. I am a witness for our creator for the world, willingness to accept,willingness to give, understand oneness and sovernty. Reply

Anonymous August 13, 2015

This Rabbi is excellent and has opened new meanings for me and the Shema. Thank you so much I hope I can receive the teaching of each word in the Shema Reply

Chas Msewe Garland December 27, 2017
in response to Anonymous:

Thank you for your teaching. I am not a Jew, but a teacher of the Bible with the love for Shema and other subjects. This has opened my eyes about the Shema that I've taught over the years. Please, continue with these teachings.God bless you. Shalom. Reply

We spend much time each day reciting the words of the siddur. Join us to enhance your prayers and become more proficient in understanding and mastering the prayer liturgy. This comprehensive series on Tefillah explores the special meaning embedded in the text of our prayers—elucidating, step by step, the words, structure, and progression of the siddur.
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