
The Significance of Tefillah

Discussions on Prayer, Lesson 1

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The Significance of Tefillah : Discussions on Prayer, Lesson 1

This class examines the importance of prayer, its biblical and historical origins, and the Jewish view on material requests. We conclude with explaining the first prayer upon waking in the morning.
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Prayer Book, Three Daily Prayers, Prayer

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Chana Schulman Louisiana February 4, 2024

Thank you for this...I remember one of my favorite writers saying that prayer can be broken into three types that reasonably covers all the bases, so to speak


"Help! and

"Thank You!"...

I am going to truly enjoy this series on the Siddur...! Reply

William April 2, 2023

everyone is different, and every moment is infinitely different from every other moment. In that sense we are very much a part of infinity, and carry a spark of divine Reply

Gilbert Del Toro West Coast Florida January 14, 2020

Thank you kindly Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan. Warm Regards, Gil Reply

Maggi Feldman Israel October 27, 2019

this is so helpful and amazing! thank you! Reply

Dovid Illinois June 14, 2016

The way that I worked out for myself to pray with alot of feeling of closeness to G-d In the Code of Jewish Law it is an obligation to say all of the prayers in the siddur, prayer book. However, because of certain limitations that make it beyond my capacity, I found that by saying less in quantity but with a real lot of feeling and concentration, that I feel much much closer to HaShem, G-d, blessed be He. Reply

Charcoal January 22, 2016

Thank you so much for reminding our hearts, minds and souls of the one thing we should never doubt: each one of us matter to G-d.
Sometimes, we forget who we are and in whose Image we are made.
Charcoal Reply

Anonymous NA November 9, 2015

tefillah Joseph Lathrop Lafayette Indiana USA Re: The blue annotated siddur is the Lubavitch edition and the Schottenstein sidur is either chassidish askenazim sefard or askenazim it isn't wrong but its pages are different and the custom the way the prayers are set up are different. The Schottestein siddurim are interlinear while Lubavitch include english and hebrew with some transliterated prayers in the back. Reply

Anonymous Montreal, QC July 19, 2015

Thank you, Rabbi Kaplan. Such a fine teacher you are! What a gift it is that the computer can carry your voice and your great patience over the cybernet to each person looking for guidance as am I--and there you are! A guide who just knows what the soul overburdened by who knows what all forms of forgetting and never learning? You lead us back like a good shepherd. Can't say how appreciative I am of hearing you start me over, more sure that I will put a better foot forward and know why. Reply

Joseph Lathrop Lafayette Indiana USA December 30, 2014

Siddur Rabbi you keep Talking about the Blue Anaotated Siddur what is the Diference between it and The Schottenstein Edition that i have, you says in a Later Video i have the Wrong one i guess what im asking is what makes it Wrong Reply

Janice Colorado December 1, 2014

Significance of Prayer Thank you so much Rabbi Kaplan. Tears came to my eyes when I heard, "G-d chose to make Me matter. I am older and alone and I don't feel I matter to anyone. Through your voice, I do mater to the One who counts most. I don't think I have a "purporse" but I have lots of free time; so I should do the 3 times prayer for benefit of all mankind (we need it). Much goodness and blessing to you for helping to revive my soul. Reply

Anonymous November 30, 2014

the value of our prayer Rabbi Kaplan's class addressed one of the most significant mental obstacle we face in prayer i.e., "does my prayer, existence matter to G-d, the infinite". It was very convincing even to a pessimist .
I look forward to the next class ! Reply

Chabad.org Staff November 28, 2014

To Aaron Tefillin are not worn at night. Reply

priscilla nakitto London November 27, 2014

THANKYOU! It's a great teaching. Reply

Aaron Lawrence November 27, 2014

Dear Rabbi,
Very educative and sophisticated lecture. I have a question: For nighttime Shema, should one wear Tefillah?

Anonymous Rio de Janeiro BR November 26, 2014

Dear Rav, I would like to thank you very very much from all my heart for your time and dedication to all of us. This class is remarkable ! And change definitely my way to pray.

I wish you all the best.
Best regards from RIO DE JANEIRO RJ CHABAD
Elisheva Natacha Rode Reply

Anonymous November 25, 2014

This shiur is a wonderful overview of prayer; thank you. I am looking forward to future lessons. When can we expect them? Hatzlacha and yasher koach. Reply

Anonymous USA November 19, 2014

Fascinating. Got me thinking. Those that do not acknowledge G-d think they make up their own standards of living and give praise to themselves. How sad. Reply

peter sundwall sweden November 19, 2014

added schmuel....
though I thanked of the very reasonable lecture there still remain a silent question about the kavannah...so central for chassidism...the very last words of the shema prayer. Reply

Anonymous Canada November 18, 2014

Great shiur yashor koyach... Reply

Anonymous USA November 18, 2014

why can't you download this class ? Reply

We spend much time each day reciting the words of the siddur. Join us to enhance your prayers and become more proficient in understanding and mastering the prayer liturgy. This comprehensive series on Tefillah explores the special meaning embedded in the text of our prayers—elucidating, step by step, the words, structure, and progression of the siddur.
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