
Unified Field Theory

Theories of Everything - Part 1

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Unified Field Theory: Theories of Everything - Part 1

An understanding of G-d's Four-Letter Name offers a possible synthesis of two heretofore irreconcilable theories -- Quantum Theory and the Theory of Relativity.
Unified Field Theory  
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Cody Chad James January 31, 2022

How did Einstein, A. relate the TzimTzum into the infinite curvature for truing gravity?

What are your thoughts?

The interpretation of high-dimensional space-time (29) The existence of superluminal speed in the universe Reply

Dvora Cocoa November 12, 2020

In His mercy He continually re-creates existence every nano-second of being. The Great Is-ifier!! Reply

Gang Ren El Cerrito November 11, 2020

What do you think about this recent paper, in which the principle of least action is proposed as the unified field theory in physics,

Zhai, X., Huang, C. & Ren, G. Extended harmonic mapping connects the equations in classical, statistical, fluid, quantum physics and general relativity. Sci Rep 10, 18281 (2020). Reply

Miguel Lahunken Etna April 17, 2018

Everything is basically magnetic. Magnetic fluxes are closed circuits of the one substance, energy, in the one substance, energy. Even subatomic particles are closed circuits or composed of closed circuits. A ring of the one substance turning in a circle differentiates a globe, which is a closed circuit. Such circuits are called particles. Closed circuits like rings, disks, closed bands, etc., have been called "dark matter", therefore, the entity we call "I" is a closed circuit of "dark matter". That's how close it is to us. The universe is like a shaken bottle of water.
Everything in the universe is running down or being pushed up by that which is running down. The universe is like a shaken bottle of water. The water represents energy; the air, probability; the bottle itself, the limitation of impossibilities; and, the bubbles represent information. Matter is called "alpha code information". All information is trying to undifferentiate back into nonexistence. It's all laws of the uni Reply

ken colchester ct February 22, 2015

you rock rabbi, wish there were more like you Reply

Anonymous USA February 22, 2015

A Different Viewpoint Though of course as Kabbalah teaches "In the year (corresponding) to 1840, God would open the floodgates of wisdom of above and below and converge in anticipation of the Moshiach" hence there is correlation as Rabbi Crispe attempts to demonstrate - the actual facts are: a. Einstein did not (with his pretty good brain) discover the unified field theory! b. string theory is a complete conjecture! (as Rabbi Crispe alludes to) and perhaps most importantly, as Kabbalah teaches, there is no unifying point to the disparate elements (not to say, certain elements have no unity, but the idea that all elements can be mapped into a single equation) except for their unified purpose! - in other words, creation may very well be different elements made by one God for an overarching purpose (similar to e-pluribus-unum) Reply

ruth housman marshfield hills, ma November 15, 2012

G_d has a profound, sense of humor: The everything bagel" ... Einstein's bagel company I see totally and have for the longest time that our quotation marks closely resemble YOD YOD. Do you see this? As to the HEI as in the two semi circular marks that are also for hei, you must see that this is the same as our iconographic depiction of the ear of what is emitted, as in many diagrams we use without thinking of this as Hei. And there is of course HEI in the English word Heifer, as in, the RED HEIFER. As to breakdown, in the deconstruction of language, moving across Babel, I am demonstrating, on line, the congruencies inherent across the languages of the world. I do it, with letters, about the Hebrew letters. You are right! There is something quite amazing, that is explicit in my life, and what I do is, share this, as best I can. We can approach unity everywhere because this unity exists in all things, all Creation, as you say, the letters are One and all things they represent, are ONE. Perhaps it takes a profound journey of soul to get to this profound place. Reply

Dvora Cocoa November 12, 2020
in response to ruth housman:

Moshav Band - Echad Reply

Anonymous November 15, 2012

Excellent Explanation! This is an excellent summary of these many different theories! I learned a lot about the Jewish language and Kabbalah, which I did not know. Thank you for sharing! I believe that there are many different methods of expressing these ideas which have been dependently and independently developed, discovered and revealed according to God's plan, whichever version of the description of God you happen to believe in. It's always refreshing to hear a point of view you aren't very familiar with! I am a little confused, though, about God's name. I thought that God's oldest name was, (spelled phonetically in English) Yaweh. Please pardon my misunderstanding, but I would like to understand if I may. Are you describing a different name for the same entity or are you describing the characters in the Hebrew alphabet? How would you spell this name, that you have described, in the English language? Reply

Ms. Dvora Schoenfeld-Fairfield February 9, 2012

4 in 1 Shalom and Thank you Rabbi Asher,
As you were explaining the unifying of the 4 forces, I could not help but think of the 4-pronged Shin on the Rosh Tefillin. Is this related?

I just noticed above that "rick" in sacramento asked a similar question. Can't wait to hear your answer.

Blessings for many long years of study, teaching, Torah and mitzvot.

Shalom Reply

anon princeton, nj February 8, 2012

comments, 1) Unification did not begin with Einstein. Maxwell in 1820 unified electriciy and magnetism, Newton, Kepler, and Galileo in the 1500's and 1600's unified planetary and terrestrial motion and gravity. And so on, going all the way back to the greeks and egyptians.

2) Quantum mechanics is not limited to "small", and general relativity is not limited to "large". You have quantum mechanical phenomemon in astronomical sized objects, and general relativity at the scale of the planck length.

3) The rest is just ridiculous, he takes a body of physical theory, that he clearly does not understand, juxtaposes it with some bunch of "spirituality" that ln no small part comes form his own head, and pretends to see connections. Reply

Dvora Cocoa November 12, 2020
in response to anon:

Unification actually began with the Creator. He divided it all, unified. Reply

Sharon Lockwood-Habram Tucson, AZ February 7, 2012

UNIFIELD FIELD THEORY Horray Rabbi--You rock! I love both science and religious Truth, and there is room for both in my life. At this moment, my world--my life is richer for you and this lecture.
Please, more--when ever you can.
Many Blessings. Reply

ruth housman marshfield hills, ma August 29, 2011

String Theory WHO is pulling the strings here? I think on Chabad there are many people in the "know". I have recently been reading Physics books and have a book beside me as I open this particular blog: For the Love of Physics, Walter Lewin. This beloved physics teacher begins his book discussing the Holocaust and the deep ramifications for his family as he was in the Netherlands as a child.

I do believe this symphony has a conductor, and this poses deep problems for us all in the analysis of free will and determinism. And so again strings, and a story about instruments of, the Divine.

I think the answer we will all get will propel us into another state of consciousness and I feel it's coming.

Note that the Neolithic people, developed a truly Master Computer at Stonehenge. This too I have been reading about, and physics has confirmed the astonishment of this, their ability to totally predict eclipses around the world.

Yes, a theory of ONE. Why not, it's in the Shema itself. Reply

Anonymous jerusalem, il August 26, 2011

e8 theory any connection to the fact that e8 theory posits that there are 248 strings. Nefesh HaChayim says that we affect the higher worlds by our mitzvas - obvious correlation to the 248 positive commandments. Also, e8 uses fractal geometry and is easier and more symetric than superstring. You thoughts on this are appreciated. Thx Reply

Amy FL, 34772 January 30, 2011

I knew at once that string theory was on to something profound after my first exposure. The Universe is made of Music. A truth known to every musician. Reply

ken colchester, ct December 23, 2010

lecture Rabbi,

You are my new hero. Your lecture really inspires me. Reply

izzy August 24, 2010

To Alex With all due respect I think youre missing the Torahs approach.

The true nature of existence is beyond understanding being that the whole idea of understanding itself is only a mere creation. (This concept that logic is inherently limited has been corroborated by the secular world also, for example Kurt Gdel and many others).

Rather, the Torahs approach is as follows; the inner core of a person is actually beyond understanding/logic and hence it relates directly to this truth and not through the concealment of understanding/logic. The lower understanding/logic level within us is meant to be used as tool to utilize reality, i.e. make better technologies, medicine etc.

Understanding/logic is meant for utilizing G-Ds world not perceiving the truth of its existence.

Note of course that by Torah its different being that its truly beyond understanding/logic and yet at the same time within understanding/logic. Grasping this difference between Torah and secular knowledge is crucial. Reply

Alex August 23, 2010

UF Theory May we say rhat Mashiach will not come untill the UFT (along with the One Name) has been fully revealed to us by physicists, with the help of G-d? And if so, who will these physicists be? Children of Israel, I guess. So, all of us should encourage (and bless) theese people to do their best in the field of research as much as in Torah studiies. Reply

ruth housman marshfield hills, ma August 17, 2010

Einstein There is nothing at all that records Einstein's using the alphabet to work out his formulas or a particular interest in the Hebrew alphabet.

I think it's fascinating, however, to look at DNA, which is the "language of life" and truly a language that can be understood in the same ways as language we speak is deconstructed and is understood.

The one ness that exists is everywhere. There are many ways, or many roads to the same place as we all know, in our experiential lives as in scientific and mathematical endeavors. Reply

Daisey Fish Houston, TX USA August 17, 2010

hebrew letters Did Einstein use the Hebrew alphabet to discover his Theory of Relativity or use any of the alphabets formulas to work his formulas for the bomb? Reply

ruth housman marshfield hills, ma August 17, 2010

re the Hebrew Letters Just a quick response to Rick. Yes, I am sure this is relevant and something I did not know. With thanks for your comment above.

It doesn't really matter where you look. Once you perceive this one ness it is everywhere and beautifully echoic, as in the echo I hear in the word echod or echad.

I was just in Rhodes, in the Valley of the Butterflies, where millions congregate. So beautiful, and so much about soul, if you look to the recorded meaning of butterflies throughout history. The backside of these beautiful moths or butterflies, looks heraldic, and has what appears to me to be a depiction of a branched tree, reminding me surely of the Tree of Life. Reply

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