
Intoxicated Corpses

The Desert Mentality, Part 2

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Intoxicated Corpses: The Desert Mentality, Part 2

In this lesson we examine the fascinating tale of the Talmud with Rabba bar bar Chana and the desert corpses, and uncover the mystical meaning and message the Talmud conveys with this enigmatic narrative.
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Talmud, Aggadah, Dwelling for G-d in the Physical World, Kalot HaNefesh (Dissolution of the Soul), Physicality and Spirituality

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Edward Simetz Fremont June 23, 2019

but isn't the guide an arab and not a jew? what is the lesson here? And what is the arab's name? Reply

Eliezer Brooklyn NY December 17, 2017

Thank you for another great Shiur Reply

Anonymous November 30, 2016

Amazing! Thank you for the amazing lesson Reply

Join the Talmud’s discussion as we explore and debate various selected texts from the vast sea of the Talmud, and gain insight and appreciation of its rich knowledge. This series will help enhance your skills in Talmudic analysis and reasoning, whilst providing a window into the style and language of the Talmud, also known as the Gemara. These courses are taught by Rabbi Binyomin Bitton, an expert Talmudic scholar, who masterfully presents the Talmud’s profound wisdom in a clear, easy to follow, and intellectually stimulating manner.