
The Talmud on Inheritance

Discovering Talmudic Principles

This four-part Talmud series will present a Talmudic perspective on principles related to inheritance, including the rights of the firstborn, and the types of properties eligible to be passed on to children—as discussed in the eighth chapter of tractate Bava Batra.

The Talmud on Inheritance, Lesson 1
This class presents the Talmudic perspective on principles related to inheritance, including the double-portion of the firstborn, and the types of properties eligible to be passed on to children.
The Talmud on Inheritance, Lesson 2
This class presents the Talmudic perspective on inheritance, focusing on the types of properties eligible to bequeath, and defining their designation for the purpose of how it should be divided.
The Talmud on Inheritance, Lesson 3
This class presents the Talmudic perspective on inheritance, detailing the types of properties eligible to bequeath and how they should be divided. Learn the level of responsibility inheriting children have towards their father’s debt.
The Talmud on Inheritance, Lesson 4
This class presents the Talmudic perspective on inheritance, comparing the types of properties the father bequeaths and how to classify the firstborn’s double portion.
Join the Talmud’s discussion as we explore and debate various selected texts from the vast sea of the Talmud, and gain insight and appreciation of its rich knowledge. This series will help enhance your skills in Talmudic analysis and reasoning, whilst providing a window into the style and language of the Talmud, also known as the Gemara. These courses are taught by Rabbi Binyomin Bitton, an expert Talmudic scholar, who masterfully presents the Talmud’s profound wisdom in a clear, easy to follow, and intellectually stimulating manner.
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