
Defective Merchandise, Part 2

The Talmud on Money Matters, Lesson 5

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Defective Merchandise, Part 2: The Talmud on Money Matters, Lesson 5

We continue to analyze the debate between Rav and Shmuel related to cancelling a sale, and probe the underlying reasoning for each position and thereby discover important monetary principles.
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Talmud, Bava Kama, Money

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gloria elphinstone-jolly auckland August 4, 2014

seller obligations you could eat the ox whether or not it was able to plough, therefore the owner must sell it in its best shape or declare to the seller that the ox is faulty. (it can no longer plough, for whatever reason). the scale must be just. you cannot morally sell something defective without disclosing the fault. it is like putting a stumbling block before the blind. Reply

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