
Can Spiritual be Immoral?

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Can Spiritual be Immoral?

Is being "spiritual" the same as being G-dly? Spirituality is a human impulse not a divine one.
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Mordi w January 20, 2012

spirituality immoral Chilliwack jan 14, 2012 Agree. Nicely stated. It's a wholesome task. Your words sound like the definition of Chassidus, or spirituality in general.

Yasher koach and Good Shabbos ! Reply

Sientje seinen chilliwack, Canada January 14, 2012

spiritually immoral I believe we are work in progress, we learn we study the Word of G-d and ask Him for insight into His Word, whether we always apply His Word to our daily lives is not always the things we do as we forget so quickly But by looking to the L-rd G-d and relying on His mercy and goodness should be part of our godliness. Reply

Anonymous January 12, 2012

fortune teller jan 11, 2012 Fortune teller ? We don't have prophets anymore.

Today's fortune tellers are story tellers with cute fictional stories personalized for you. Have fun with them. Just deny stuff they say and your story will become funnier. Try to hold a straight face in doing so. Usually people go to fortune tellers in pairs. Me ? I like going to aromatherapy. I tell the ' professional ' that i don't have to buy anything because their potions are so powerful that they last a lifetime. The acupuncturist ' trained in China ' is best helped by telling them that their initial session fixed you up 100 % and cancel the rest of appointments. Chiropractor ? That's different. Some are very talented. Best bet is to get the name of the guy looking after a professional football team. And no i am not a chiropractor. Physiotherapist ? Again, you keep looking until you find a very accomplished one.

I guess that i am giving away my age. Learned the hard way. Well, not the fortune teller one. That's just fun. Reply

sientje chilliwack, Canada January 11, 2012

spiritual vs godly I dont believe it is the same thing, as once a lady called herself a spiritualist, when in actuality she was a fortune teller. Reply

Aharon Dovid Portland, OR September 20, 2010

Two years ago, living in the San Francisco Bay Area, I was among those who proudly used the self-defined phrase that 'I'm spiritual and not religious'. Thankfully the additional years can sometimes bring about little bit more wisdom and maturity.

I now really understand the difference between being spiritual and being G-d'ly. I now understand what ground is rightous to walk upon.

Thank you Rabbi. Reply

Anonymous wisc, usa June 4, 2010

Thoughts ? kudos ronnie Although I consider "spirituality" a nebulous indistinct term, you state a very deep important perspective. Your G-dly mindedness hits upon the purpose of man which is to make the Earth a dwelling place for G-d. We work on that primary objective. The secondary objective is to refine ourselves in a G-dly manner, which of course is the essential contribution to the primary purpose. You have reached a standard which I can only hope to achieve. My mantra is this: Do my thoughts, speech, actions, prayer and Torah study make G-d smile? Your attitude/actions would make G-d smile.
Mazel tov to you. Reply

Ronnie Kaufman Tucson, AZ via chabadoftucson.com June 4, 2010

Definition of Spirituality The definition of Spirituality you use is much different than mine ... I find the more "spiritual" I have become the more aware I am of the outside world around me. There may be some truth that there are those who get lost in what they think is spirituality and suffer from this illusion that they are in a higher plane ... But I have found my spirituality has brought me closer to G-d and understanding and doing G-d's justice and work that Torah teaches us.

Thoughts? Reply

Anonymous wisc, usa June 3, 2010

marriage and family By and large, the command to go fruitful and multiply is practical and common sense. There is safety in numbers, and survival is an important requirement for Judaism, just as it is for the other religions or other spiritual planes.
What really bothers me is how this dictate affects bachelors, bachelorettes and childless couples by infertility or choice. I am married and have 4 children, so the issue is not directly personal. However, it still makes me sick to hear rabbis, their children or congregants go in this direction. Marriage, intimacy and children are wonderful. They may be considered G-dly, but not at the expense of disdaining those who do not follow the same path.
Rabbi , you may have a wise response to this. Many of your colleagues and those they influence do not. They are foolish enough to say that G-d punishes, or it is a sin not to be fruitful and multiply. Are we trying to keep up to the Arabs ? Reply

Richard Raff BonneyLake, WA June 3, 2010

Following i need to follow the right set of rules and that means to follow the right set of morals. One should know the rules in order not to be fooled by fools themselves.
Thank you Rabbi Friedman, may the Moshiach come soon. Reply

Kayo Tokyo, Japan May 31, 2010

my question of life answered Thank you, for a long time, I had questions over Tzedakah and lives of Tzadikim.
You answered those questions. Reply

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