
The Goodly and the G-dly (I)

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The Goodly and the G-dly (I)

What is morality? What is goodness?

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Sei Yokoyama Kanagawa in Japan August 14, 2022

Thank you, rabbi Friedman, for your sincere devotion.
I hope everyone on this earth would give talent, wealth and time of life to each other, before one’s using the best part of them. Given food tastes always more delicious. Give-and-Given is food for soul, through our body. And all these should be done only in order to please Him.
ありがとうございます。I appreciate your kindness to all nations. - from Japan. Reply

Lisa Albq., NM May 24, 2010

Very Beautifully put! thank you so much for your shared wisdom. Reply

Kristina Shaoul Great Neck , N. Y. via chabadmequon.org May 13, 2010

what is goodness I thank you for brightening my day. 'good thoughts', things that we don't think about, life can really be very nice , if only every person would think clear. Reply