
Guide for the Perplexed

Studies in Maimonides: Lesson 5

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Guide for the Perplexed: Studies in Maimonides: Lesson 5

An overview of Maimonides' major theological treatise, its objectives, its structure and its historical context.
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Maimonides, Guide for the Perplexed

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James Benchimol October 12, 2020

rambam had a saying every mans action... cant find it can someone complete it Reply

Catherine NY, NY November 18, 2010

Guide Thank you Rabbi for a wonderful lesson about Maimonides. Reply

Richard Raff November 15, 2010

Guide for the Perplexed Very moving lecture about Maimonides. There's one lesson I can learn from this. I need to remind myself that i need to come down from the mountain and not just only see one half of the total picture. It is hard to leave the comfort of G-d and all the worlds He has created. I can not be selfish about sharing the knowledge of the Torah. i need to learn to interface with other Torah scholars to help bring balance of the good and bad inclinations. It is hard to separate from G-d's presence even for a second, He, blessed be His name, keeps me safe. Reply

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