

A Rosh Hashanah Short

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Firsts: A Rosh Hashanah Short

That first day of school, your first job interview, your first day in your own home, the first day of the rest of your life...
Rosh Hashanah

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Anonymous Binghamton, NY via chabadofbinghamton.com September 5, 2013

Video for Roshashana The video touched my heart . I sent it to my married children . They responded with joy.
Captured the essence of life . Reply

TAMRA HERB Santee, ca September 16, 2012


Anonymous hudson, canada via chabadstlazare.com September 15, 2012

Amen! Let's start off the New Year right! Reply

Getzel Chicago, IL via centerforjewishlife.com September 2, 2012

FIrst Chai Holidays with Chabad I was a graduate student at Boston University when my neighbor/friend who was not Jewish told me he had a short term job at the Chabad House in Kenmore Square and that I should go. He actually took me on Yom Kippur it turned out to be the begining of a very long relationship with Chabad. I will be traveling this year and plan to spend the Chai Holidays with an Chabad House in Rochester MN. I hope everybody has a wonderful year! Reply

a name via ganisraelchicago.com October 5, 2011

oh, oh. how sweet!
lol Reply

Katinka Holst S''Hetogenbosch, Netherlands September 28, 2011

Rosh Hashannah What a Lovely Surprise.!
Thank you So Much, All of You, alllso Those whose Names might be still less known to me.
my Year (Having to keep carrying on by myself), would have Completly Different,less Inspired, Stimulated ,Enriched and Endowed, hadit not not been All off You. It iis feeling Embedded, and Daring more to be Yourself.

My First Action (Actions), therefore-after a Cup of Coffee)! to go to my Computer and open all your Mails, and sometimes copy things,(allso from J.W.R).
My -what call "Favourites", is filled wiith your Information, and Classes,etc- so I can always come Back to them - or Repeat-and I allso am gratefull for The Jewish Woman - Site ,(O.A The mikveh - Group) nd The Recipes- being vegetarianbut eating Fish it is grat help During These Days! I have a Nice Collection of Kosher Herbs ,inceasing sometimes, bought in Amsterdam - South.

So I wish Everyone a Wonderfull, EXtra Speciial, Sweet and a Good Shana Tovah 5772
Love from

Katinka Holst Reply

Irene Alhanati Cardillo Rio de Janeiro, Brazil September 14, 2011

The Firsts Beautiful, inspiring video! Thank you! Shaná Tová! Reply

Jewish.TV Editor June 24, 2011

re: the 10th day of the 1st month No, it was 10 Nissan.
The first month is Nissan even though the new calendar year starts in Tishrei.

Rosh Hashanah is the first day of the seventh month. Reply

Kara Brown Park Hills, MO June 21, 2011

the 10th day of the 1st month In Joshua 4:19 was this Rosh HaShannah? Reply

Roslyn NYC, NY via chabadde.com September 8, 2010

Very Well Done Video We will be celebrating Rosh Hashana first in our Progressive Synagogue praying, studying, and then dining with family. How fortunate we are to have so many wonderful flavors of Judaism-each with its own unique sustenance. L'Shana Tova Reply

joseph Monsey March 29, 2018
in response to Roslyn :

Roslyn, once you have the right decision to start with praying, study and reconnect: do the right choice.
Not in a progressive that similar to reform that changes age old Jewish real traditions to modern rethought by new personal agenda thinkers.
stay with real Emes truth that will stay in next world. Search till you find it. like Abraham our forefather. Reply

dov brooklyn, ny September 8, 2010

shana tova thank you chabad.org Reply

Dorothy R. Bieen Royal Palm Beach, Fla September 4, 2010

A Year of Firsts... this is a beautifully done film on firsts...a very touching and aPPROPRIATE piece AND I WILL add, for me a joyous and wonderous first...our families welcomed our first grandchild...may he be blessed with a wonderous and healthy year ahead, and may we all be blessed with light and hope. Reply

Chaim-Leib Halbert Berkeley, CA August 31, 2010

Re: Was there a point to this film I missed? "Firsts" are important. You remember firsts. They are a chance to start something fresh. They guide you later in life, when you ask, what am I doing? Why? Whenever there is a first, there is a big idea. And, as our Sages say, "Everything follows the head."

All the more so with the First of Firsts. All the more so with the beginning of Existence, the birthday of the world, Rosh HaShana. It's a huge opportunity to return to the freshness of "First" and plan out the rest of your life.

You should go from strength to strength increasing in health, wealth and joy. Have a sweet new year! Reply

Tamar NY August 30, 2010

to anonymous of Aug 25 I believe the point was to inspire you to delve into the details of Rosh Hashana by going on to the site and learning more about this vitally important 'first'.

Shana Tova to all Reply

Anonymous August 25, 2010

Was there a point to this film I missed? I'm still waiting for this little film to make a point, inspire me, or something...

May I ask, as politely as possible{ what was the point? Reply

camilo bogota, col August 18, 2010

the spot really beatiful, thanks Reply

Tzipporah Sufrin london, UK August 17, 2010


Chava M los angeles September 26, 2009

To Anonymous via chabadsudbury.com Yes, I will offer a prayer for that AND for a house, a spouse, a car etc. There is no reason to limit the blessings we can ask of G-d. The main thing, is that the goodness in what we receive should be apparent.

Waiting for Moshiach-when all of us will experience only goodness and light in the truest of manners! Reply

Laura Valencia, Spain,ES September 24, 2009

L'Shana Tovah.. May the sounding of the shofar fill your heart with gladness, and may the new year be filled with many joys..
Mazal Tov for the video..I loved it!!.. Reply

Anonymous Bogota, Colombia September 24, 2009

IT MADE ME CRY.... My tears are falling from my eyes while I'm writing you this message...

It's so beautiful what you say express in it...
I don't know what more to say....
Only thanks for this gift to me....
It touched my heart. Reply

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