
Racial Tensions, My Mother’s Murder, and a Better Way Forward

A loving path toward wholeness for myself and for the world

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Racial Tensions, My Mother’s Murder, and a Better Way Forward : A loving path toward wholeness for myself and for the world

After my mom was murdered amidst racial violence, I found a powerful message that unites us all as one nation under G-d.
Lapine, Pesha Leah, Crown Heights, Violence

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Mendel Lapine Columbia Mo January 10, 2025

I am that little boy in that picture of the part where he says i am a Chabad on campus rabbi. Avraham Lapine is my father. Reply

mendel lapine Columbia Mo May 31, 2023

Mrs Pesha Leah Lapine is actually my bubby. Hashem took care of my father, my uncle, and my two aunts.

Thank You Hashem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reply

Rebekah April 8, 2023

In the 90s, my mother tried to expose us to our Jewishness, on a Sabbath walk we stopped in the local shul and were followed through the building by little boys dancing around calling us monkeys in full view of a variety of adults. Having always lived in mixed communities, traveling extensively and being outgoing we were used to racism. (I'm 46 and my skin has been rubbed. I've been asked if I have a tail, if I'm chocolate, etc. more than I can count. As an adult someone even asked to see my tail.) We had bombs thrown at our house, people drive up onto our lawn and threaten us, et cetera, et cetera. But I'll never forget the heartbreak on my mother's face when we told her how we were treated. It was Sabbath, but there was a serious talk about humanity that followed. I never forget it. I don't hide from my Jewishness. I can't hide from it, bc even though in the store or shul people still look at me like a problem, I AM Jewish. Black isn't hateful. It's melanin and an experience. Reply

Anonymous Brooklyn, NY November 19, 2024
in response to Rebekah:

I’m so sorry that you had to experience that! We are all equally special and important and should be treated with love and respect! Reply

Scotty October 26, 2016

a question I respect your efforts to make something good out of the evil that was done to you, but you see, this kind of violence it's not random, but well planned. It required the co operation of police, the media and government officials to allow it to happen. The death of a black child was only the excuse needed to trigger the assault on our people. Today, we are targeted because people like you think cruelty can be conquered with "the power of love" but our Torah says it's not true. Reply

Anitra September 8, 2018
in response to Scotty:

Yes, I fully agree. It is important to love everyone, but not whenever the black communities are joined violently against us and the other races. Reply

Rebekah April 8, 2023
in response to Scotty:

Every person is an individual. Remember that. Just as you get angry when someone is killed or their killing is disregarded because of how they look or some historical hatred, think about how blacks have been living in heartless danger for hundreds of years. It's not a community with a single soul or tradition to bind them together. Black people have only one shared experience, that's hate from every other group. Mortal danger. Heartless hate. You don't know me, but you've already wounded me. You don't know what G-d has made me, but you've already decided to destroy me by your thinking, your exclusion, your prejudice, your facial expression. When your children (children!) are fair game and you are despised, are you angry? Don't lie about the Torah. Everything in it calls for redemption, fairness, justice, reconciliation. I was horrified to find that the child was run over on the sidewalk without any penalty. On the sidewalk! I am Jewish. I'm Black. Therefore, to many, I am not Jewish Reply

Anonymous September 23, 2016

This is so beautiful. And so heartbreaking. May Hashem give you strength and guidance to make a profound influence on many lives, and may you know only simchos! Reply

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