
Is There a Blessing for Seeing a Meteor Shower?

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Is There a Blessing for Seeing a Meteor Shower?

Blessing, Meteorology & Weather

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Dr. Elyas F. Isaacs New York, New York August 2, 2012

Meteor Showers I, too, began a journey many years ago with the first years of my life as a professional mathematician. More recently, I've been awed, inspired, and a witness to the Holy grandeur of the Universe while learning and searching as part of several research meetings and seminars at Columbia University's Department of Astrophysics.
Whether it is an evening meeting of the local community Astronomy Club using the visual telescopes atop Pupin Hall or whether its images downloaded from the Hubble Space Telescope, meteor showers, comets, supernovas, black holes, and all the rest continually demonstrate to me the Divine Hand of Wisdom that underlies all our Being.
If ever you come to New York City, perhaps to visit the Jewish Theological Seminary just down the street from Pupin Hall, do feel free to visit the Astronomy Department on the upper floors of Pupin Hall and check the schedule for night viewings and star shows. All are welcomed!! Always yours, Dr. Elyas F. Isaacs Reply

Jacob Perth, Australia October 20, 2010

religion, science and art wow, what a fusion of different aspects of life, created in an amazing animated form. Encouraged me to look up various prayers in hebrew (good inspiration and educational for kids and adults).
Well done Chabad - we want more. Reply

Anonymous Selangor, Malaysia October 11, 2010

blessing for meteor wonderful, inspiring. Reply

Anonymous New Jersey October 7, 2010

Wonderful Thank you for the wonderful animation. I really enjoy these clips and it's nice to see you making stuff that's for adults too. Keep up the creativity. Could you please do an animation about Moshiach? That would be really interesting! Reply

Chaya Minneaptown, MN October 6, 2010

Great Explanation I really enjoyed this video because it went past the basic mitzvah of saying a blessing. Anyone can say a blessing, but it is truly a mitzvah if you can do it with feeling and understanding. Reply

Jeffrey S. New York, New York October 6, 2010

Nice video; Blessing in Hebrew Great video, I learned a lot. As someone who doesn't have a background in this, I think it would have been good if you recited the blessing in Hebrew (and showed the Hebrew text). I looked it up in my siddur, but for outreach purposes, why not show it also in Hebrew?

Keep up the good work. Reply

ruth housman marshfield hills, ma October 6, 2010

Meteoric! Thank you. This is very beautiful. There is nothing to add to this. I hope you present more of these most beautiful animated videos with such anima, the Latin word for soul. Reply

Tali Northcote, Australia October 3, 2010

A thought provoker I thoroughly enjoyed this original and thought provoking piece - a timeless reminder of the depth of our religion.

The great visuals are complimented by a poignant script and engaging sound track.

Looking forward to more inspiring pieces. Reply

Anonymous Melbourne , Australia October 3, 2010

Meteor showers/engaging and informative I love this most engaging and informative work on the correct prayer to say for meteor showers, from beginning to end.

All of the aspects of the animation from the artwork to the music imbued a sense of spirituality. I found it well contained and complete & would like to see more in this series.

Well done on this outstanding piece. Reply

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