
Class 6: The Immigration Debate

Election 2012: A Jewish Perspective

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Class 6: The Immigration Debate: Election 2012: A Jewish Perspective

Throughout our history, we Jews have known the need to immigrate. What is the right and just perspective on immigration?
Election 2012 (6) Immigration  
Government, Politics, Immigration; Illegal Immigration

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Anonymous Velp April 7, 2018

What would be the torah perspective on a refugee group that only causes problems in a country? Reply

Redneck Jew CA October 17, 2012

Response to Anonymous First let me say that even if we did not know their hidden heritage concealed by Hashem for almost 2,000 years He still holds those that mistreat them responsible for that for He has said in Torah he would bless those who bless us and curse those who curse us and did not say He would do that only if they did not know of their Hebrew descent. Second is that if they were not allowed to collect public assistance, did a background check for them from Mexico, they fended for themselves which is what they do anyway, have them pay a fine for breaking the law, how is that making them a victim. Then we strenghten the border, streamline the system from a 10 year waiting period to closer to 2-3 years, they must learn English and contribute to the economy. To PROVE how Hashem blesses those that bless them we need not look any further than when Reagan started that process in the 80's of helping our brother by allowing them to be legal Hashem blessed THIS nation with a vibrant economy. Reply

Anonymous portland October 17, 2012

I don't blame anyone for wanting to move to the US, legally or otherwise.. That isn't the same as saying we owe them special treatment. Just because a political group can claim victimhood and demand that the citizens subsidize the new residents doesn't mean we have to believe it. And how about the people who apply for legal immigration, and wait years in limbo? No political party pushing for them. But even with all that, I am still sympathetic, just not stupid about it. However, among those who just want a better life, there hide many gangsters and criminals who change names like we change clothes, and prey upon others.
Once you control your own border, you have the power to decide who to invite in and who to keep out. Until then, you have no policy, you have chaos. Reply

Redneck Jew October 16, 2012

We should be cautious There are 60,000,000 sephardic jews in Latin America or roughly 10% of the hispanic population. I am sure you will not print this but nevertheless take heed because if we continue on this path of deportation as of the 1,200,000 illegals we have deported 120,000 of those WERE SEPHARDIC JEWS and Hashem has NEVER NOT punished the nation that did that. You are right on in that IF they do not collect assistance from this nation, pass a background check from their own coungtry are willing to as you say repent or pay a monitary penalty for breaking the law, pay into the system and turn around and have a path to citizenship they should ber allowed to do that. Let us ALL be an Elijah voice to protect and defend these people because most of them take jobs we do not want or create jobs themselves. As it stands this nation IS starting to see Hashem's judgement for that and for the fact that we have murdered 50,000,000 unborn children and have pursued wicked desires. Reply

Anonymous September 29, 2012

What happens if the refugee is fleeing for his life and you allow him in, then it results in criminal activity by the refugee against the the citizens? Reply

Thanks Alot :^) September 22, 2012

Excellent Series I've watched from the beginning, and I have learned a lot. Given what you said about the tapestry-culture of the US, I would say that the Ideal culture for such a place is one where individual liberties and equality under the law reign supreme, where all peoples work to protect the freedoms of others -- at least if not exclusively -- within its own borders. Reply

Mr. Jerry Hersch via chabadofsummerlin.com September 20, 2012

Immigration Sarah Palin an "avowed" supporter opf Israel is also an ardent supporter ,along with her husband,of the Alaska Independence Party.
That party was formed by some of the same people who denied sactuary to Jews fleeing the Nazis.Alaska then was a territory..and as such was exempt from many restrictions..there was a loophole.. aplace to escape.
Look up: Sanctuary: Alaska, the Nazis, and the Jews
The forgotten story of Alaska's own confrontation with the Holocaust.
and "Alaska wants no misfits" Reply