
Do Not Commit Adultery

The Seventh Commandment

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Do Not Commit Adultery: The Seventh Commandment

"You shall not commit adultery.”
Ten Commandments 7  
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Zuzana De Jonghe Belgium December 21, 2020

So incest and pedophilia belong to the fifth level of fornication. Do I understand this correctly?

Thank you; Reply

Rabbi Raskin Bklyn hts December 21, 2020
in response to Zuzana De Jonghe:

It’s obviously prohibited and detestable on all levels! Reply

Zuzana De Jonghe Belgium December 21, 2020
in response to Rabbi Raskin:

Thank you, Rabbi.
I agree with you, I was only asking in regard to these six levels of adultery.
Still one more question: You said that men sin because of the spirit of folly. But the prophet Hosea said: for the ruach zenunim hath caused them to err, and they have played the zonah, forsaking Eloheihem. As we see this spirit of whoredom literally rules in central American countries as Guatemala etc. where the custom of the first night with an virgin is stronger than the prohibition of the law which protects the girls up to 15 years of age. So may I ask you: do you think that any sin begins with first with the spirit of folly as the fruit of disregarding the 1th commandment of the Torah? Thank you very much. For I see many countries in the world are truly ruled even taken over by the spirit of whoredom.

God bless you. Reply

Rabbi Aaron Raskin Brooklyn heights NY June 26, 2013

Thank you Did you like anything particular? Reply

Anonymous glasgow uk June 26, 2013

hi good very good speach ..god bless Reply

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