
Gold, Silver, Copper

Parsha Terumah

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Gold, Silver, Copper: Parsha Terumah

"Make for me a sanctuary" (Exodus 25:8) was first stated when the Jews built a portable sanctuary in the wilderness. This building was to be made from three metals: gold, silver, and copper. How do these three metals correspond to three levels of spiritual service?
613 Terumah  
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Sefer HaMitzvot, Silver, Copper, Gold, Mishkan, Terumah

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Yiscah Levinson Crown Heights, Brooklyn March 3, 2017

Of all the Rabbi's in the world, Rabbi Raskin is one of Hashem's best!! What an awesome creation Hashem made in Him,
He brings great honor to Hashem always!!
Thank you Hashem for Rabbi Raskin..Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Raskin Bklyn hts February 12, 2019
in response to Yiscah Levinson:

You are too kind! Reply

Elana MA February 27, 2017

Thank you Rabbi, for sharing wisdom with enthusiasm ! In a time of worries enthusiastic tone of voice uplifting spirit. Reply

Rabbi Raskin Bklyn hts February 12, 2019
in response to Elana :

Thank you,
At a time of worries, all we can do is rely on Hashem! Reply

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