
The Secrets of the Flames

Understanding the Eight Days of Chanukah

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The Secrets of the Flames: Understanding the Eight Days of Chanukah

Why do we celebrate Chanukah for eight days? Why does the Chanukah menorah have eight candles?
Chanukah: 8-Days  
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Sefer HaMitzvot, Chanukah

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1Serfardim Conroe, TX November 28, 2013

Hashem's Promise to Bless the decendants of Yiacob Hashem Blessed Yiacob for returning for two jars of oil after crossing the river with all of his family and all of his belongings. However, Yiacob crossed the Yardon river when he realizes that he forgot these 2 jars of oil. Hashem saw the heart of a man and his intentions to put his life on the line for two jars of oil. These jars of oil, were to anoint the place where he had spoke to Hashem. Hashem in return makes a promise that oil would be provided later on in the future to his people, a much needed oil that would burn for 8 days and lighting the menorah and the City of God, so that the light would shine through out the world. Reply

Adinah November 26, 2013

Baruch HaShem This was wonderful! Thank you. Reply

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