
Mitzvot Before Sinai

Parshat Vayeira

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Mitzvot Before Sinai: Parshat Vayeira

Abraham baked matzah on Passover over four hundred years before the Exodus. How did the patriarchs and matriarchs know how to observe mitzvot before the Torah was even given at Sinai?
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Physical World, The, Abraham Visited by Angels, Abraham, Giving of the Torah, Mitzvah, Vayeira

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Rachel Singer October 18, 2021

Dearest Rabbi New
I watch this 9 years after it was posted. Since I am coming from listening to Rabbi Gordon talk about the importance of what the Friediche Rebbe spoke on blessings between Jews;
I pray no further physical pain or suffering is imposed. Reply

Mike Ettinger Nova Scotia November 19, 2016

So logically G-d exists before time, the expression of His being from within Himself would end within, and without would be within and the beginning and end would be one. This would be the depth and breath, Of course this expression is love, effortlessly sustained with all power. Needless to say evil could not exist in such a state. A four dimensional natural expression of this conception would be Earth's magnetic field. It flows from within and ends within, is still in motion and cannot be clocked. As well it protects us from the sun, the same sun that grows our daily bread.
So as much as we know evil, G-d must protect us from the power of His love, and must give it in measure...until we are made righteous. Reply

Shalom L.A., CA November 2, 2012

Avraham Avinu didn't marry his syster Sarah Imenu was his niece the daughter of Haran. Reply

Anonymous NY, NY November 1, 2012

he did not marry his sister Sarah was his niece Reply

Joan S. Clark Westerville, OH / USA January 14, 2012

Belief Thanks for sharing the information - a chance to see a true believer in G-d.
I especially noted the statement that "angels were human" - in the past I wondered why authors of truth would speak so freely about "angels". Now, I just want to process it as someone wanting to be as G-dly as possible which in frightening environments is a safety factor & a lot like an "angel"
I noted "unclean" being conveyed as similar to exposure to any "harm facors-toxins" And had previously wondered if it was an internal thought or external. I suppose it can be both??
Also noted the 613 laws, condensed to 10, to 2, and even 1. So it is 10, condensed to respect for G-d(ly values) and love for mankind?, condensed to "love"?
That there are 2 dimensions to Torah - external and its essence, being that one can just see printed text, or one can believe what is written & enter into a personality change internally forever - being "essence"-transformation
that the Torah involves:logic, morality, spirituality. Reply

Anonymous chesterfield, mo November 22, 2011

if abraham knew the Torah how come he married his sister? Reply

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