
Curses in the Bible

Parshat Ki Tavo

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Curses in the Bible: Parshat Ki Tavo

The connection between the start of a new year and the 98 curses read in this week’s Torah portion.
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Holocaust, Elul, Pain, Suffering & Tragedy, Elul 18, Rosh Hashanah, Curse; Curses, Reward & Punishment, Ki Tavo

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Rabbi Moishe New October 26, 2014

To Anonymous Palo Alto Breifly, the meaning is that it is thru teshuvah over our sins that we rectify the exile and bring the Redemption. It is our transgression that set in motion the exile, notwithstanding the Al-mighty's deeper intent, blessing etc. So we have our responsibility: to do sincere Teshuvah and to know that all along Hashem has not abandoned us and that one day all the suffering and pain will not merely disappear, but be transformed and experienced as Hashem's deepest love and blessing. Reply

Moriah MARKS September 9, 2017
in response to Rabbi Moishe New:

very well said....this brings up hope & true redemption amen Reply

Anonymous CA September 12, 2014

what about mipnei chataeinu galinu meartzeinu? what does that mean? I really would like to understand. Reply

Chava Montreal September 5, 2012

Suffering Thank you rabbi. Our suffering because have a special relationship with Hashem. Reply

Laiv Levy Ripley, NY October 18, 2011

Diamonds Rabbi New mentioned that we are in this process of crushing, being squeezed. That is how diamonds are made. The Rebbi would say that he was greeting diamonds when asked how he could stand for hour upon hour greeting people. Hashem is making diamonds. Reply

vicky ogden, utah September 18, 2011

Holocaust I watched your class. You talked about the hallocost and it touched my heart. And took me back to a time in my childhood. Our parents made us watch shindler list. My sister was about 9. I was a bout 7. We cried so hard. I keep asking why? Why did not G-D stop this. HE could do anything. WHY did he let this happen. And my sister said . G-D needed them in heaven. They are great in the kingdom. I looked in her eyes as tears rolled down her cheeks. And knew this must be true. Her words put my heart at ease. For I have a great love for my jewish brothers and sisters. Vicky Reply

This class analyzes an aspect of the weekly Torah portion or upcoming holiday. While providing a basic understanding of the subject matter, the lesson delves into its deeper and more complex dimensions with emphasis on the spiritual relevance to our daily lives. Inspiration for both the novice and advanced student.
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