
Yom Kippur and the Real You

Transcending Inner Conflict on the Holiest Day of the Year

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Yom Kippur and the Real You: Transcending Inner Conflict on the Holiest Day of the Year

One of the emotional peaks of the Yom Kippur prayer service is a description of the ceremony performed by the High Priest in the Holy Temple.
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Kohen Gadol, Yom Kippur Temple Service, Yom Kippur

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Bill Wells Louisville September 9, 2021

Thank you for this fascinating pre-discussion to the moment of Yom Kippur. To understand though how the guided preparation to engage the intensity of being present while being opened to authentic presence is beyond words. I would ask though if the development of held knowledge, being made profound, conveys a way of knowing an aesthetic, a being for the point(s) in nature, held potentially to be activated in all Jews? Though to go beyond and see this awareness to respect LIFE, the many gifts by which a body, a spiritual body awakening to the oscillations of thought the releases the sparks, without breaking the vessels? Can this awareness be shared across the whole of individual and nation, Jewish and beyond, such that our behavior becomes more at peace with the ecologies of being in the Garden? If we are in a representative faith practice, then how does the profound way of knowing not lose a drop? Yet, because of LIFE, the awareness at the level being described will always .....! Reply

Moishe New September 28, 2012

Thank you, Suzi, for your kind, warm words. Shana Tova -- on every level ! Reply

Suzi orlando, fl September 26, 2012

WHAT EVERY JEW HAS G-D I needed to hear this tonight. I loved it, craved it, and believe I digested it. How beautifully, and simply, Rabbi New can make me feel brand new, and yet, like I have returned to my beloved home, and family.

Thank you more than I can express this with words. I can feell a presence of good. This is something I need, and appreciate.

Rabbi, your face, and your sound, as you teach, speak, and explain, are extremely comforting, and comfortable.

Your words are felt, your thoughts, inspired. More and more, I look forward to your sessions., they feel like a blessing.

If there is a way for the Rabbi to know how much he is appreciated, I hope he gets to read our comments. Reply

Anonymous Ontario,Or September 20, 2012

Thank you for the message, at a time when I was feeling far from G-d, Indeed far from myself. I will hear more messages,by His Will. Blessings Reply

Anonymous Bakersfield, CA via chabadofbakersfield.com September 8, 2012

Yom Kippur and the real you I have been studying the old jewish temple and their rituals. But not really understanding why they are dressed the way they did and why they did the things they did. You made it simple and in layman's terms. But the spiritual aspects of what they did and why they wore the things the High Preast wore astouands me. You have opened a door of answers to me that I never knew.
Thank you for taking the time to explain it to me. Reply

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