
From Tragedy Into Joy

An Introduction to the Three Weeks

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From Tragedy Into Joy: An Introduction to the Three Weeks

This class begins with a history of the three-week period of mourning for the Destruction of the Holy Temple and continues with an analysis of a prophecy of Jeremiah that hints to the future transformation of "bitterness into sweetness."
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Jeremiah, Matot, Tisha B’Av, Tammuz 17, Galut, Destruction of Holy Temple, Three Weeks

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Marian Hoover Virginia June 18, 2023

Beautiful thank you! Reply

Meyer July 21, 2019

Almonds Shalom: Wonderful shiurim. Thank you. Tisha b'Av is Moshiach's birthday. In parshas Korach Aharon HaCohen's staff, blossoms almonds! Is there a connection? Reply

Jason June 27, 2018

Whats the Hebrew for "Desert?" Reply

chandrababu Kale Andhrapradesh. India July 27, 2017

Thank you Rabbi Reply

brigitte Kalmanson USA July 27, 2015

brilliant ! Awesome ! Thank you for going deeper in explaining tragedies by putting stories, events, people and putting a light on the complicated and extreme puzzling questions we all have. It seems to be all interwoven in mysterious ways. Thank you for unfolding some of the wonder for us in a very brilliant and articulate way. Reply

Irene Glen Burnie, MD USA July 14, 2012

From tragedy to joy Shalom Rabbi:
Awesome encouragement for times of trouble. Very inspirational.

Thank you and many of G-d's blessings be upon you. Reply

Anonymous philadelphia, pa August 9, 2011

geulah enough suffering already - it is getting harder and harder to rationalize! Reply

Batya Avraham Tzfat, Israel August 9, 2011

redemption, is here I thank you for such a wonderful teaching. I got it as I study with Chabad and live in Tzfat where everyday is a teaching.
Todah Reply

Anonymous July 28, 2011

WE AREN'T GIVING UP! We've been through so much throughout these thousands of years and we're still loyal. And we understand now so much more, as you say, because we're expecting Moshiach any moment.
But when already?!?!?
Thank you for your class, it gave me real strength. Reply

Laiv Ripley, NY July 22, 2011

almond staff and tribe leaders Rabbi;
Perhaps a connection of the almond staff and the tribal leaders has to do with Aarons staff, which was also almond. Perhaps it is saying something about a leaders role of peacemaker and unifier. That Torah without unity is exile as scene by Aarons staff being in the Aron with the tablets. I have often wondered why the town of bersheva which was once called Luz is almost always mentioned as the town that was once called Luz after its name was changed. Why the continued connection to the past name? Thank you so much for all your wonderful teachings and may Hashem bless you and your family with Shalom. Reply

This class analyzes an aspect of the weekly Torah portion or upcoming holiday. While providing a basic understanding of the subject matter, the lesson delves into its deeper and more complex dimensions with emphasis on the spiritual relevance to our daily lives. Inspiration for both the novice and advanced student.
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