
Second Chances

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Second Chances

The story of Pesach Sheni (the Second Passover) and its timeless lesson for us.
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Pesach Sheni

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Mark Smith Oklahoma USA May 4, 2023

So did they have to eat unleavened bread or were they allowed to eat leavened bread? Thank you. Reply

Natania Joye-Pridgen Dunellen May 22, 2016

Toda raba Blessings and love with pure shalom all ways Rabbi New. Shavua tov!

L'shalom Reply

Anonymous Iowa April 14, 2015

Good lesson. Thank you. Reply

Alma Lopez Hollywood, Fl. May 15, 2014

Thank you Rabbi New,
Very deep message. It comes to me, as I heard your explanation about the ego, the story of King David and the giant Goliaght, the transcendence of the logical mind, precise to hit the right spot of the forehead, as if the head needs to fall and emptied before is lift up and just do its total and complete Divine purpose, recognizing and welcoming Moshiach.
Alma Lopez Reply

Rabbi New May 6, 2012

answer The Torah and subequent laws had not been given yet when the Jews were in Egypt. The laws of impurity didn't apply. Read the account of Pesach Sheni in Scripture itself and see how novel the law is. Reply

Al-Yahnai Hawkins Clyde, TX/USA May 5, 2012

I think you miss the point about the 2nd Passover Please consider - this was and is not a new commandment.

The only reason it came into being was because they then, made up the ashes of the red heifer - to cleanse them of death.

Did you consider that Mosheh killed an Egyptian ... and he ate the Passover in Egypt - defiled by death - as most everyone else did as well. They did not sprinkle did they???

Where was the Tent of Meeting or the Temple at ... where they brought up the lambs and goats to be killed??? They didn't even have one yet did they???

Of course - the 2nd Passover there was the Tent of Meeting as well as the ashes of the red heifer; and, because of NOW HAVING the ashes of the red heifer - one was to be cleansed from death to partake.

When the guys went to Mosheh and said - hey ... why can't we eat of it - it was not any brainstorm on Mosheh or Arron's part; BECAUSE ... they knew that just the year before - everyone ate it with death on them.

Why make this take on more air than it really holds? Reply

Jewish.TV Editor May 24, 2011

Re: Live Broadcast This class -- and ALL of our live classes -- are available on archive shortly following the live broadcast. Reply

Melody Masha Pierson Montreal May 18, 2011

Live Broadcast I have to be out during this broadcast of Moishe New...is there any way to see it again? Reply

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