
Ancient Roots, Modern Miracles

A video tour of Israel

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Ancient Roots, Modern Miracles: A video tour of Israel

From Jerusalem to Masada, join veteran tour guide Shalom Pollack on a wondrous journey through Israel, where the past, present and future all share the same space.

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Lucille August 14, 2024

I would love to travel to the OLD country! I heard there are many beautiful sights to see but a LOT of walking! I need a super comfortable sneaker to inhale all the beauty Reply

B R Israel May 25, 2022


Just to add a small point, that although I pray (like every Jew) “Next year in Jerusalem”,
I do not at all look forward to a Jerusalem controlled mostly by a crowd that chants “Death to G D’s holy nation,
A Jerusalem that’s missing it’s crown of beauty,
And a Jerusalem desolate of G D’s open presents

I pray for the day Moshiach will come!
The day EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US will descend up to a Jerusalem built of fire,
A fire that will shine over the whole world,
A fire that will be a guide for all the nations,
Amen! Reply

judith chesney IW May 10, 2019

history of Israel thank you so much. I am greatly touched by this video. I was reminded also of Hezekiah' wall which I saw in 1982. you have encouraged my heart. Reply

Semual ramot April 30, 2019

Such an inspiring video, very nice music.
I know you from Ramot Reply

Ezekiel Columbia, Columbia October 18, 2017

The temples used to stand in the City of David by the pool of Siloam flowing from the Gihon Spring, only Yerusalem major water source. The out door synagogue at the Wall is beautiful but its the wall of the Fortress Antonia of the Roman Empire. There is overwhelming beauty overflowing from Judaism, we don't need to cling to ideas without veracity to stand dumbfounded in rapture enchanted by all wonders of our beautiful heritage which do hold up to scrutiny. Reply

Anonymous Maryland USA November 23, 2014

I love the Jews The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel) is the one true God. He fulfils all his promises to the letter. He is my God too. Thank you Jews for showing us the true God.
One day I will come to Israel to see for myself that beautiful and blessed land.
We love the Jews
Shalom Reply

Anonymous via coralspringschabad.org August 27, 2014

excellent presentation your delight is visible may you also delight in the coming of our righteous moshiach Reply

Darcy Webb March 25, 2014

Nice This looks like it would be really fun to go on a tour with this guy. The Middle-East is such a fascinating place. IT definitely helps to have a guy with inside connections like this too. Reply

ruth housman marshfield hills, ma August 28, 2012

Land and its meaning under the lemon tree
I just spent a long weekend in New York and was entranced by the magic of all the pocket gardens that are everywhere in the City, places that have been redeemed, formerly garbage strewn empty lots, that are now filled with climbing roses, vegetable gardens, beautiful sculptures, whimsy and such flowering LOVE.

We need Nature. Israel is filled with migrating birds and has some wonderful organizations that protect and encourage love of environment such as SPNI. I feel a deep love of conservation in Israel and it's a very important part of being there, to see what's being done to encourage youth from all over, to participate in the beauties of this country.

I know we all need a place to plant a tree, and there is nothing like doing this in Israel particularly for memorial. And those trees are greening the landscape and making such an oasis!

So when you go to Israel be reminded of our ancestors, because their memorials are in every single sacred place. We all crave our shady groves. Reply

shalom pollack jerusalem, israel July 23, 2012

thank you Thank you so very much for your encouragement
God bless
Next year in Jerusalem!
Shalom Reply

Channah Oron Rotterdam, Holland July 17, 2012

What a Country What a Miracle! I thank you for this video. Though I have yet to visit Eretz Yisrael, I was able to feel the age old ties of Jews with the very soil and stones! I never really understood until now. Next year in Yerushalayim - yehi ratzon ... Reply

ruth housman marshfield hills, ma February 10, 2012

Gavriel's words I feel I've heard an angel talking when I read such words that are of such poetry. Reply

crystal Holly Hill, FL February 4, 2012

Shalom Pollack Thank you! I would like to visit one day. Praying for the peace of Israel. Reply

chaya weisberg jerusalem January 1, 2012

very well done thank you so much for an excellent video tour. I learnt a lot and enjoyed it. Reply

Gavriel WA October 4, 2011

Space Time When looking back on all the things i could of done or the ones i haven't done, i become perplexed. Then i think of Israel and without a second of thought i am there, i will be picked up by the wings of chesed and gebvurah. Then i will no longer be me, i will become (ONE) a feeling like no other. The sands will fill our hour glasses as if time just stopped. The clouds will protect us from the intense rays of reality. The Holy land will fill our cups with wine like over flowing tears. Blessings will be said in the land of Israel and the sands will toughen our heels for the poison of the snake we will not fear. For all who travels to the Holy Land will see their Jewish self in every Jewish smile. So as the sun may set our dreams soon come to life, that dream will be built before our very eyes, the dream of Shalom all over the world, Israel never says good bye only.... come back home. Reply

Ruth Elise Housman marshfield hills, ma September 23, 2011

Space: past present and future There is a fascinating and beautiful quote by T.S. Eliot that does remind me of space in all its metaphoric context, and it is as follows:

"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."

I think to really know Israel, is to both traverse the country, to love deeply the land, and to understand the history, our collective past, moves us not only into the present but also into the future, and in a way, it is a circle, as we come back to our beginnings, and each time, see it fresh, with renewed hope, with new, expectant vision. Reply

John Nocera West Monroe, LA September 22, 2011

Israel Wonderful video and very educational. Israel, America loves you and we stand with you. G-d bless the Jews. Reply

shalom pollack jerusalem, israel March 9, 2011

thank you Thanks to all for the encouragement and kind words. Reply

Tirtzah Frisco, USA March 6, 2011

Todah At certain points while viewing the presentation I cried and at other points I wanted to stand up and dance but through it all I gave thanks.

I am grateful for all who played a role in making this film.

This is what the world needs to see rather than education through western media. Reply

betsyanne cameron alloa, scotland May 13, 2010

jerusalem beautiful.... my hearts desire for the peace of israel & her ppl. amen!!! Reply

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