
Torah’s Mandate: Defend Yourselves!

19 Tishrei, 5741 • September 29, 1980

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Torah’s Mandate: Defend Yourselves!: 19 Tishrei, 5741 • September 29, 1980

“The Guardian of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps” – at all times Jews are protected by G-d. But we are commanded to also take part in our own security.
Israel, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Torah’s Mandate: Defend Yourselves!
19 Tishrei, 5741 • September 29, 1980
Disc 19, Program 73

Event Date: 19 Tishrei 5741 - September 29, 1980

“The Guardian of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps” – at all times Jews are protected by G-d. But we are commanded to also take part in our own security.

First and foremost we must strengthen our “spiritual weaponry.” G-d enjoins us: “If you will follow My statutes and observe My commandments…I shall set peace upon the land.” But this must include the most fundamental Mitzvah to preserve the life of every single Jew – to follow the explicit ruling in Jewish law concerning Jews in danger, wherever they may be, to take weapons in hand and defend themselves.

G-d wants us to employ conventional, practical means of self-defense. During exile, while other nations have influence on our security, we must seek to obtain weapons and receive financial aid from them, without compromising any part of Judaism, certainly not matters of life and death.

Living Torah

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David Florida April 29, 2019

This is more relevant today. With the massacre in Pittsburgh and now San Diego, we must be prepared to defend ourselves from anyone that threatens to harm us. Reply

Dorothy Eugene oregon December 19, 2012

Dorothy he is completely right! the God we know, would tell us to defend ourselves. i can tell by everything that happened in Jewish teachings. that's the command to all Jews; defend Israel. Reply

Chani Benjaminson, chabad.org November 6, 2008

dvd You can find it in DVD and CDROM formats at this link. Reply

Rafael V. Rabinovich Brooklyn, NY November 6, 2008

In book Try "Eyes Upon the Land" and "When Silence is a Sin" Reply

Anonymous November 6, 2008

where would i find this in a book? or audio Reply

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