
A Boy With Autism Celebrates His Bar Mitzvah

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A Boy With Autism Celebrates His Bar Mitzvah

Despite autism, Zalman Diskin celebrates his bar mitzvah at his parents Chabad center in Munich, Germany. His parents share the painful challenges of having an autistic child and their personal journey of heartbreak and frustration to faith and acceptance. Film credits: Paula Zimerman Targownik and Daniel Targownik
Bar Mitzvah, Disability, Germany, Autism

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mendel lapine Columbia Mo May 17, 2023

Wow Rabbi Diskin and Rebbetzin Diskin had troubles, but they trusted in Hashem. What language where they talking in. I thought it was Yiddish, but half the words sound different. Reply

Rob Bernstein Dobbs Ferry, NY via chabadrt.org October 27, 2019

Wonderful video. Speech comes from concepts, and Zalman needs to connect the concepts that he clearly has to language. Once he learns this connection, his language will progress. Reply

Esther January 2, 2019

Wow this is a really beautiful story. I especially appreciate how raw and real Mrs. Diskin is about her challenges that she had accepting and working through Zalman's diagnosis. It is extremely touching to see Zalman's love and affection for his parents, and to see is smiling with the refilling. Reply

חיים Brooklyn New York October 9, 2018

Moved me to tears of joy. For they who know Hashem, know endless rivers of Joy. What on this earth is foul and/or evil, except for the choices which we* make? Answer: ALL is good on God’s good earth and in the universe entire, except for the choices which we* make!! (*= mankind) I challenge anyone to prove different... Reply

Leah July 10, 2018

This was a very moving video. I work with children on the autism spectrum and am constantly humbled by the strength and perseverance of parents like these. I am so impressed at how honestly they spoke about their experience. Mazel Tov Zalman! Reply

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