
The Land of Our Inheritance

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The Land of Our Inheritance

The open miracles that G-d has shown the Jewish people in the Holy Land in our own times are a powerful reminder of its importance and centrality to the entire nation.
Israel, Lubavitcher Rebbe
The Land of Our Inheritance
Disc 159, Program 636

Event Date: 19 Kislev 5742 - December 15, 1981

The open miracles that G-d has shown the Jewish people in the Holy Land in our own times are a powerful reminder of its importance and centrality to the entire nation.

G-d gave the land to our ancestors, and no one government or individual has the right to speak of relinquishing any part of it. It is the inheritance of every individual Jew and his descendants.

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Anonymous New York December 7, 2016

I can look at this again and again Such a gift of powerful colorful well-defined expression! So full of energy and strength! The signature strength of this piece's delivery invigorates me! I feel blessed and happy to be able to see it again and again. Thanks and G-d bless! Reply

Anonymous November 25, 2016

Omein Reply

Anonymous here November 24, 2016

and, Amen. Reply

Fro November 22, 2016

Amen Reply

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